I should be seated at my desk, have my supplies out and be ready to learn.
Where should I be when the bell rings?
Raise your hand to speak unless you are doing a group activity; do not speak when someone else is speaking use active listening.
Who can I talk to?
The teacher will tell students when to pack up their things at the end of the class period.
When do I pack up and get ready to go?
No tech devices out a break or lunch
What is the school policy on tech during break or lunch?
No hats, hoodies or gum in the classroom.
What is school policy on hat, hoods, and gum?
The class has started and I have a pencil, paper and my Chromebook out ready to learn.
What materials do I need to have out?
I stay focused on the class topic during class and group discussions.
What can we talk about?
Students do not leave the class until the teacher dismisses everyone when the bell rings.
What happens when the bell rings?
Students who want to work on assignments during the break or lunch using tech may use the library or a classroom.
What is the policy on using tech for assignments during break and lunch?
Swag box
Free Dress
Coupon to Mz. Fran’s
Pizza with friends
What are some prizes we could win with our Maverick tickets?
Students who are not in their seat when the bell rings
What is tardy?
Quietly ask the students at your table for help with directions if you need it; if you are working alone, raise your hand to get help from me; if you are working with a group, ask them for help in understanding how you do the assignment.
How do I get help if I need it?
Papers are not loose, the floor is picked up and supplies are put away correctly. Chairs/desks are neat and tidy.
What does a clean room look like?
Do not leave your backpack unattended or on the ground while your Chromebook is inside.
What is the policy on how to treat your Chromebook?
When you hear a fire alarm-Stop everything; stand up and head for the door quickly, but without running or pushing; do not cover your ears; do not make any side trips. Follow evacuation procedures to your class spot for the roll to be taken.
What to do during a fire drill?
I look at the whiteboard for my learning target or essential question for the day, daily agenda and possible homework assignment.
How do I know what we are going to do in class before asking the teacher?
Depending on the class and class procedures there are different expectations for students during class activities.
What should I be doing during different class activities?
Share group supplies; recap markers and glue; check the number written on the supplies to make sure they belong in your group basket; if something belongs to another group, return it to them quietly
How do you put away supplies?
You must have your Chromebook on you at all times.
What is the Maverick Code with a Chromebook?
Enter quietly and politely; remove your hat if you're wearing one; don't interrupt other students
How do enter the classroom?
Following the teacher instructions on any classroom activity. When moving around the classroom keeping hands, feet, and items to myself and staying focused on the classroom activities.
What does active, responsible participation look and sound like in this class?
Do not play basketball with your trash; make sure all trash lands in the can; pick up trash even if it isn't yours.
How do I throw away trash?
Cell phones are away for the day from gate to gate.
What is the district policy for cell phones at school?