Main Character
Scene of the Crime
Looking Deeper into it

How old is the main character?



What is Steve being charged with?



What kind of crime were they committing when the murder occurred?



Why is the book called monster?

Steve is being accused of and is referred to as a monster?


Sentence: Steve's sentence is going to depend on the jury's final decision.

Define Jury:

The group of people who view and vote on a ruling for a court case. 


What's his name?

Steve Harmon


What is the sentence they are pushing for?

Death sentence 


How was the victim murdered and what was used to kill him?

He was a shot with a gun?


Why can't Steve recognize himself when he looks in the mirror?

Being in prison/ the crime has changed him.


Sentence: Steve's Defense Attorney tells him to believe in himself even though the court prosecutor calls him a monster.

Define Defense Attorney

The person defending the criminal(defendant) during a court case. 


Where is he currently placed? 



What sentence does the jury see as doing Steve a favor?

Prison for life?


Who did the murder weapon belong to and how was it used to kill the victim?

It belonged to the store owner (victim) and it was taken from him by force. 


Why is Steve writing his experience of prison and court as a movie?

It seems unreal to him, so writing it like a movie is helping him understand and cope with his situation.


Sentence: The prosecutor in Steve's case refers to him and James King as monsters and tells the jury they will believe the same after listening to her and hearing the story of the crime unfold.

Define Prosecutor

Person working for the court system who is in charge of proving the criminal/defendant guilty. 


What does refer to himself as

A monster


Who else is being charged with murder?

James King. 


What was Steve's job in the crime?

To check the store after to make sure there no cops.


When they are stating what happened during the crime, Steve writes 'Monster' over and over in his book. His defense attorney crosses each one out. Why do you think she does that?

She wants him to believe in himself and not think of himself as a monster so the jury has a chance of thinking the same. 


Sentence: The prosecutor is sure that the defendants are guilty.

Define defendant 

The person who is being tried for a crime.


In his flashback during the trial what class is he in?

Film class


Which criminal involved in their crime wasn't charged with murder and is going to be a witness against them?

Richard Bobo Evans

James King and Bobo Evans robbed the store, but what was the other boy's job besides Steve?

To be a look out and make sure no one was running to or from the store.


In his flashback, Steve's film teacher tells him that movie viewers are like a jury and movie endings should be unpredictable to satisfy the viewers? What might this say about what Steve has to do to beat his case?

The jury probably views him as a criminal and thinks he was already involved in a life of crime and committed the murder. He's going to have to surprise them by showing them that he's more than what they think he is. 


Sentence: Steve probably wonders if the stenographer's picture of him looks like how he sees himself in the mirror now.

Define Stenographer 

The person who is responsible for completing the sketches of the trial.