How many Main series monster huinter game are out now(including portable and g rank additions)
(gen 1-3 3 games each for base portable and G, gen 4-5 4 games, base and g rank with 2 games each generation)
which of these are ridable in monster hunter stories?
whose monster theme is this?
what monster was this a concept for?
what weapon category does this belong too?
Dual blades
What was the final Large monster added to Base World? (not counting arch tempered)
which of these is not a frontier weapon
The Accel Axe
what monster is this?
What was the placeholder name for this concepted monster?
The Steel Fist Wyvern
What weapon category does this belong too?
What element is great jagras most weak too?
what is in this egg?
A palamute
what monster is this?
Barioth was planned to have a natural prey creature it would hunt down in artic regions, what animal was this prey based off of?
a seal
what weapon category does this belong too?
Hunting horn
Which came first?
Charge Blade
Switch Axe
Insect Glaive
Medium Bowgun
Gunlance was gen 2
SA and medium bowgun was gen 3
IG and CB was gen 4 (rip medium bowgun)
Frontier had an event that turned uragaan into this fruit
who does this chart belong too?
Instead of a bat, paolumu was based off this animal.
a playtapus
what weapon category does this belong too?
Light bowgun
name the original 5 meelee weapon type that started off the series and still live on today
Greastsword,Sword and shield, Dual Blades, Hammer, and Lance
Name the 3 frontier monsters that snuck their way into a main series game
lavasioth,espinas, and hypnocatrice
Who are the top 5 monsters from hunters choice?
zinogre,nergigante,lagicarus, valstrax, and gore magala
what monster originally looked like this in concept phase?
which of these did not collab with monster hunter?