The year MC opened.
What is 1926?
Two middle school teachers who attended MC as students.
Who are Ms. Boudreau and Coach Percy?
What is the ECLC?
The Sister who offices in the middle school.
Who is Sister Julia?
The name of the MC mascot.
What is Bernie?
The location of the original Monte Cassino.
What is Italy?
The youngest teacher in the middle school.
Who is Mrs. Annis?
The number of basketball goals on campus.
What is 20?
The Prioress of the Convent.
Who is Sister Marie-Therese?
The name of the Head of School this year.
What is Mr. Burke?
The name of the Bishop that asked the Sisters to open Monte Cassino.
Who is Bishop Kelley?
The middle school teacher who has worked here the longest.
Who is Mrs. James?
The length of the track in miles.
What is 1/7 or .14?
The order of nuns at Monte Cassino.
What is Benedictine?
The name of the Head of School's secretary.
What is Mrs. Reese?
The Sister's did this to pay back the debt owed to the Diocese for opening the school.
What is run an orphanage?
The university our counselor, Mrs. Wilson attended.
What is ORU?
The name of the area with the Statue of Mary near the convent.
What is The Grotto?
The newest Sister in the convent.
Who is Sister Lucy?
The name of the lunch server in the cafeteria.
What is Tony?
The year the last class graduated from Monte Cassino High School.
What is 1986?
The former kindergarten teacher's name for which the MPAC is named.
Who is Ms. Deisenroth?
The name of the chapel.
What is The Marian Chapel?
The name of the Monastery.
What is St. Joseph's?
The current synergistics lab served as this room when MC was a high school.
What is the cafeteria?