Montclair Elementary, Lincoln Elementary, Russel Middle School, Norris Elementary
What are the Montessori public schools in Nebraska?
The neighborhood in Rome, Italy where Maria opened her first school
What is San Lorenzo?
Within each child is the man he is to become
What is the secret of childhood?
The planes of development that are divided into two sub-planes
What are the first and third planes?
The theorists who created a math material used to teach quantities and sybmols and was known for his work with children who had diabilities
Who is Eduard Seguin?
The owner of the first Montessori teacher training program in Nebraska
Who is LaVonne Plambeck?
The name of the first school started by Maria Montessori
What is Casa de Bambini?
The dynamic link between students and their work
What is the teacher?
The plane that focuses on imagination and cosmic education
What is the second plane?
A German educator and founder of Kindergarten
Who is Freidrich Froebel?
The three Montessori teacher training programs that have existed in Nebraska
What is Mid-America Montessori Teacher Training Institute, University of NE-Kearney, and Osiri University?
The global organization founded by Maria and Mario Montessori in 1929 to ensure that her philosophy and method would be carried out as intended
What is Association Montessori Internationale? (or What is AMI?)
The three freedoms a child has regarding his work
• where they work
• how long they work on any activity
• with whom they work and interact.
A term used to describe the child's capacity to soak in everything from their environment during the first plane
What is the absorbent mind?
The person responsible for the re-introduction of Montessori to the US and the creation of the American Montessori Society
Who is Nancy Rambusch?
The number of Montessori schools in Nebraska
What is 35?
The year that Maria Montessori opened her first school
What is 1907?
Four skills developed in the Practical Life area
What are order, concentraion, coordination, and independence?
A time when a child is especially interested in developing a specific skill or knowledge
What is a sensitive period?
Italian physician known for educating the Wild Boy of Aveyron and creating the first IEP
Who is Jean Gusto Itard
Maria Montessori's first publication
What is the Montessori Method?
Three of the human tendencies created by Maria and finalized by Mario
What are:
self-preservation ● orientation ● order ● communication ● imagination ● movement/ transportation ● logical/quantitative processing ● social connection ● nurturing ● Self-perfection
The planes that are not divided into sub-planes because they are periods of uniform growth
A Swiss eduational reformer who developed the doctrine of direct concrete observation, or sense perception
Who is Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi?