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What percent of people who commit suicide have a mental Health Diagnosis?


45% of all successfully suicides are by people with mental health diagnoses.


When a person is suicidal and SPEAKS of ending it all what might that mean? 

Thoughts or talks about wanting to die or to kill oneself. 


What is the most common risk factor for a suicide attempt?

Prior attempts


When a suicidal person is speaking of pain, what might they be speaking about? 

Emotional Pain or physical pain.


Which suicide method is most used by females who are attempting suicide?

Studies show that most females choose to use pharmacological drugs overdose and more able to use a greater number of different suicide methods than males. 

Gender Differentiation in methods of suicide attempts, a peer reviewed study. 


What percentage of suicides are committed by males? 


75% of all people who die by suicide are males. 


When a person is suicidal, what type of ACTION could they take to complete it?

Look for a way to kill oneself, such as searching online to obtain a gun. 


What are the four risk categories for suicide attempt?

Negative Behavioral Changes

Decline in physiology




What is one reason that a suicidal person might think that suicide is the only option? 

They are feeling like they are a burden to others. 

They do not see another way out.

They feel unloved.

They are tired of the pain.


What suicide method is most used by males?

Hanging and asphyxia. 

Studies show that men choose more violent suicide methods and even though women ' attempt' suicide more they are the survivors and attempters of suicide, but men are most successful in their suicide attempts.


What age group has the highest suicide rate by females? 

Ages 45-64 years old

In 2021, women aged 45-64 had the highest suicide rate among females in the U.S.


When a person is suicidal what EMOTION (S) could they display or speak about?

Feeling hopeless or having no reason to live. 


If a person is at risk of suicide, what number should they dial?



What is a sign that a person might be suicidal?

Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs.


What if you had a resident that always said they were 'going to kill themselves' but never follow through?

If the resident has a plan in place, you follow the same guideline as you would with any other resident that has a plan in place. 


Since 2001, the overall suicide rate in the U.S. has increased by what percentage? 



What is another ACTION  that a suicidal person might take?

To give away prized possessions. 


What are risk factors for a person that is suicidal? 

Job/ financial problems, impulsive or aggressive tendencies, Violence victimization and or perpetration, criminal /legal problems, previous suicide attempt.


What other behaviors might a suicidal person be displaying, but not limited to? 

Acting anxious or agitated or behaving recklessly. 


What paperwork needs to be completed when a resident is suicidal and has a plan in place?

At -risk report, police log (if police or crisis unit was called out and came out), APS or CPS (depending on age), and update ISP, if this is a change in the plan, and crisis plan.


What ethnicity experiences suicide at a higher rate?

American Indian / Alaska Native Adult die by suicide at a rate 20% higher than non- Hispanic white adults.


What is another EMOTION that a suicidal person might display?

Mood Swings


Which relationship risk factors contribute to suicide? 

Being bullied, family/ loved one has a history of suicide, loss of a relationship, high conflict or violent relationship, social isolation. 


What sleep habits might a person who is suicidal might be having? 

Sleeping too little OR too much. 


You return to work on Monday and the caregiver of one of your residents calls you to let you know that the resident was place on a 72-hold due to attempted suicide late Friday. Do you still need to complete the at-risk report, a police log, APS or CPS report or no since it happened while you were off the clock? 


Regardless, if a resident attempted suicide during working business hours, while you were off of work or out of the office case management reporting still needs to take place once you learn of the situation.