Mood /Anxiety Disorders
Personality Disorders
Psychotic Disorder
Treatment/Coping Skills for Mood, Anxiety and Psychotic Disorders
Suicide Post/Prevention

These are repetitive behaviors

What is Compulsions


A person with this cluster ___ personality disorder struggles to regulate their feelings and lead to patterns of behavior others describe as dramatic/erratic.

What is Cluster B


They speak incoherently, respond to questions with unrelated answers, say illogical things, or shift topics frequently.

What is disorganized speech


•Perform reality check-It allows us to distinguish between what is real and what isn’t.

•Use the same language that the person uses to describe their experiences (e.g. – if the person refers to a voice that they hear as “Rodney”, you should do the same).

What are Skills/Interventions for Psychotic Disorders


These are characteristics of a person or his or her environment that increase the likelihood that he or she will die by suicide

What is Risk Factors


What is someone who has elevated mood with pressured speech, easily distracted and engages in reckless behaviors lasting one week.

What is Mania


Feelings of inadequacy, insecure, shy and sensitive to negative criticism, want friends but don’t.

What is Avoidant Personality Disorder


Mario Lopez is in love with me and calls me daily to ask me to dinner.

What is Erotomania


Skills for ethical influence, not to manipulate

What is Presuppositions


How often does someone die from suicide in the US

What is every 11 minutes


In order to be diagnosed with depression, how long do the symptoms have to be present?

What is 2 weeks


A person with this disorder has a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of animals/others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood.

What is Antisocial Personality Disorder


Auditory, Visual and Tactile are types of  ______

What is Hallucinations


Use your 5 senses to move through distress and help you focus on the present moment

What is grounding techniques


The 6 steps to do when someone is in crisis or is suicidal

What is Creating a Safety Plan


Causes "someone to respond with the FFF, fight, flight or ____

What is freeze


What movie displays Borderline Personality Disorder: at the end, she cuts her wrists.

What is Fatal Attraction


When hallucinations AND mood disturbances are present

What is Schizoaffective Disorder


Encourage thinking and conversation such as using “what,” “how,” or “why”. This allows for alternative choices or behaviors.

What is Open Ended Questions


Using ASIST, what phase is the longest and most important to listen for reasons and review the risks.

What is Understanding 


What anxiety disorder is when a person feels like they are having a heart attack

What is a Panic Attack


What Character shows emotional coldness, detachment, flat affect, limited range of emotions, and has no interest in human interaction.

What is Dexter


Must have 2 or more of the following for a year, delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech and/or behavior

What is Schizophrenia


helps you change your thoughts, feelings and behaviors

What is CBT


Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

What is 988