Earth's Motion

This is the difference between a rotation and a revolution

What is spinning on your own axis vs moving in an orbit around another object?


This is the word for when the light appears on the left half of the moon (Hint: Think like a baby)

What is waning?


This is the definition of motion

What is the process of changing one's position?


This is the definition of inertia

What is the tendency of an object to resist a change in motion?


This is the factor that has a greater impact on the strength of gravity between mass and distance

What is distance?


This is the cause of Earth's seasons

What are the Earth's tilt and oval-shaped orbit?


Run to the board and draw a waxing gibbous (Color = shading, no color = lit part of moon)

You did it!


This is the mathematical explanation of the difference between speed and velocity

What is d/t  vs.  change in d/change in t?

This is the definition of the Law of Conservation of Energy

What is energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but rather it changes form within a system?


These are the 4 examples of contact forces we saw in the textbook

What are applied, friction, elastic and normal forces?


This is the difference between latitude and longitude

What is the distance from the equator vs distance from the imaginary line connecting North and South Poles called the Prime Median?


This is what phase the moon will be in 2 weeks after a full moon

What is a new moon?


This is what Palo's displacement would be if he moved 17m away from the origin and 9m back towards it

What is 8m?


This is the mathematical definition of Newton's Second Law of Motion

What is F = ma?


This is the definition of friction

What is a contact force that resists the sliding motion between two objects that are touching?


These are the 4 points of the year when the seasons change (must name all 4)

What are summer and winter solstices, and spring and autumnal equinoxes?


This is the difference between an umbra and a penumbra

What is the darker part where light is totally blocked vs the lighter part where only most light is blocked?


This would be Hayden's distance traveled if he moved 6m in 3s, 12m in 4s, and 10m in 5s

What is 28m?


This is the reason why you are technically accelerating as you move in a circle on a swing ride at the carnival

What is because the force of the cable pulling you towards the center and the force of gravity are not acting in opposite directions, causing you to constantly change directions? (aka First Law of Motion)


These are the forces acting on Kevin as he sits quietly in his seat

What are gravity and normal force?


These are the days when the Earth is closest to and farthest from the Sun, respectfully

What are January 3rd and July 4th?


This is what the moon will look like 3 weeks after a waning gibbous

What is waxing gibbous?


This is the mathematical explanation for why velocity is measured in m/s and acceleration is measured in m/s2

What is acceleration is m/s /s and dividing by a whole number is the same as multiplying by its inverse?


This is the acceleration of an object whose mass is 5kg and total net force is 25 N

What is 5 m/s2?


This is the total net force and direction a Tug-of-War rope will move where one side is being pulled with a total of 390 N to the left and the other is being pulled with 340 N to the right

What is 50 N to the left?