How long does it take the Earth to make one rotation?
What is 24 hours or 1 day.
What causes high and low tides on Earth?
What is the Moon's and Sun's gravity
What moon phase looks completely dark in the sky and is located in a straight line between the Earth and Sun?
What is the New Moon.
List all 8 Moon Phases in order.
What is New Moon, Waxing Crescent, 1st quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Last quarter, Waning Crescent.
The Earth revolves around the _________ and the moon revolves around the ____________.
What is the Sun and Earth.
True or False? The moon changes shape throughout a month
What is false
The Moon does not have as much __________ as the Earth does.
What is gravity
What is the moon phase that lights less than half of the right side of the moon?
What is Waxing Crescent
What is the moon phase where a little bit of sunlight is reflected on less than half of the left side of the moon.
What is the waning crescent
What percentage of the moon is constantly illuminated?
What is 50%
What is the moon phase where the sunlight is reflected on over half of the left side of the moon?
What is Waning Gibbous
What is the order in a straight line of the Earth, Moon, and Sun during a Full Moon?
What is Moon, Earth, Sun
Why can't vampires go outside at night?
What is moonlight is actually sunlight reflecting off the moon.
What is a Spring Tide and when does it occur?
What is the tide that occurs during new and full moons. There is the greatest difference between high and low tides.
How many days does it take for the Moon to orbit Earth?
What is 28 days
What is the moon phase where the sunlight is reflected on over half of the right side of the moon?
What is Waxing Gibbous
What is the order in a straight line of the Earth, Moon, and Sun during a New Moon?
What is the Sun, Moon, Earth
How many miles away is the Sun from Earth?
What is 93 million miles
What is a Neap Tide and when does it occur?
What is the tide that occurs during 1st and 3rd quarter moons. There is the smallest difference between high and low tides.