Launch leader of this group
Who is Trent?
Name of group chat app
What is Group me?
Most recent birthday
Who is Cheryl Benchley?
(Feb 9)
Lakepointe lead pastor
Who is Josh Howerton?
What do you call a monthly payment on a home / apartment you do not own
What is rent?
When does our class meet regularly
What is Sunday at 8:30am?
Item that can be physical copy or digital, to be shared with the group regarding events, birthdays, anniversary etc.
What is a calendar?
First life group game night we played what board game
Our current Lakepointe location name
What is Firewheel?
When you purchase something the money gone is considered money ___
What is spent?
Classroom number where we currently hold class
what is 116?
Common winter dish that some here don't agree is a meal
What is Soup?
Our text attendance code
What is Here Fw151?
Lakepointes summer Series
What is 'At the Movies'?
When you go camping you might sleep in a
What is a tent?
The Original room number our class met
What is 112?
Media often shared as comedic relief
What is memes?
After the life group Christmas party, Kevin Buckled this secret santa item into his Childs carseat
What is Hot Sauce?
Lakepointes retired lead pastor
Who is Steve Stroop?
When the Douglases moved to Texas they might have said we all have
What is an accent?
The first date this class met
What is July 16, 2023?
The two most shared items in our group chat (not including prayer requests and church events)
Name the two couples who have wedding anniversary in May
Who is the Coldeweys and the Moores
The amount of Lakepointe locations that meet weekly for Josh's teachings
What is 7?
(Rockwall, Firewheel, Forney, Mesquite, N. Dallas, E. Dallas, Church Online)
When expressing remorse of wrong doing of sin
What is repent?