Foundational Concepts
Creation Stories
Natural Law
Writing Skills

Principles concerning the distinction
between right and wrong behavior
or good and bad behavior.

What is morality?


The creature created in the image and likeness of God in the first creation story of Genesis.

What is the human being?


He is an Italian friar who developed the concept of natural law.

Who is Thomas Aquinas?


A word set that is complete in itself, usually containing a subject, a predicate, a capital letter, and a period. Example: "It may also contain one or more independent clauses."

What is a sentence?


A set of sentences, statements, or propositions; one is the conclusions, and the others are called premises.

What is an argument?


Branch of Christian theology that focuses on the human response to the Christian revelation.

What is moral theology?


Forbidden tree in the garden of Eden in the second creation story in Genesis.

What is the tree of knowledge of good and evil?


Rules of behavior derived, through reason, from the “basic goods” that come from our instinctual desires.

What is Natural law?


A group of words that contains a subject and verb and expresses a complete thought.

What is an independent clause?


Its purpose is to give reasons for one's conclusion via justification, explanation, and/or persuasion.

What is the purpose of an argument?


The ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do or what to believe?

What is critical thinking?


Doctrine stating that since each person is made in God's image and likeness, hey have innate inalienable dignity.

What is the Inherent Dignity of the Human Person.


The things that all humans are designed to seek. (There are 7 of them.)

What are basic goods?


A unit of writing that typically includes a topic sentence, one or more support sentences, and a concluding sentence.

What is a paragraph?


An incorrect argument based on a flaw in reasoning. Often the mistake is in the assumption that links the evidence and the conclusion.

What is a logical Fallacy?


Discipline studied and taught by Aristotle that includes the concepts Pathos, Ethos, and Logos.

What is rhetoric?


The reason why Adam and Eve turned against God.

What is desire to be like gods?


First, recognize a basic good, then use reason to see that the same is valuable to others, and finally, see how both an “avoid evil” rule and a “do good” rule come from the basic goods.

What is the process to discover the natural law?
What is Natural Law?


A sentence that expresses the main idea of the unit of writing in which it occurs.

What is a Topic sentence?


In the argument "I am really healthy now because I lost a lot of weight," it is "that losing a lot of weight is healthy."

What is the asumption?


Theory that claims that an action is morally good if it brings the greatest amount of happiness to the greatest number of people.

What is utilitarianism?


The blessing god gives humanity in Gen 1, 28-31.

What is original blessing?


A principle that can be applied in cases when an action causes both a good and a harmful result. There must be four elements for it to be applied.

What is the principle of double effect?


Fix it by splitting it into two sentences, inserting a semicolon between independent clauses, or using a comma with a coordinating conjunction.

What is a run-on?
How to fix a run-on sentence?


In this discipline taught by Aristotle, arguments can be made from three approaches: Pathos, Ethos, or Logos.

What is Rhetoric?