Multiple Meaning Words
( make a guess about what you read)
( same)
Some words may have more than one meaning. We call these words what......
What is multiple meaning words?
Simon waited in the line. He was hot and his throat was dry. He could hardly wait to get to the front of the line. You can infer that Simon is in line at ________?
What is the water fountain?

What is the best synonym for "pleased"? a. happy b. unsure c. unhappy

a. happy

His pupil was red and irritated. What meaning does pupil have? A student or the white area of your eye
What is the white area of your eye?
When you determine facts and meaning that the author does not directly state, you are making a _______________.
What is an Inference?

What is the best synonym for the word "small"?

a) .small b). Large c.) wide

a) .small 

We had company over last night at our house. What meaning of company is in this sentence? a business or people invited over
What is people invited over?
Kayla took the folded paper out. She saw that she could take Maple Drive to Main Street. You can infer that Kayla is looking at a _____________.
What is a map?

What  the best synonym for the word "entire"?

a. whole/ all of it. b. a small amount c. nothing

a. whole/ all of it

Please be patient while waiting for the doctor. What is the meaning of patient in this sentence? quietly waiting or someone seen by a doctor
What is quietly waiting?
James licked the final square, posted it at the top corner of the envelope, and dropped it in the big blue box. He hoped it would get there in time. Nobody enjoys getting a late birthday message. What is James doing?
What is mailing a card?

What is the best synonym for "thick"?

a. fat/wide  b. thin/skinny c. small/tiny

a.) fat/ wide

When the cat wants to come inside, he will paw at the door. Which meaning of animal's foot or to scratch
What is to scratch?
It was Chase's least favorite chore. He didn't mind doing laundry or the dishes. He disliked hauling the big bags out to the big silver cans outside. What chore doesn't Chase enjoy?
What is taking out the trash or garbage?

What is the best synonym for the word "discomfort"?

a. ache/ hurt b. unhappy/ pleased c. kind