Primary Source True or false
Secondary Source True or false
Primary or Secondary
Primary or Secondary Again

True or False?

A primary source is a description of an event by someone who was there.  For example:  "I saw that big dog."

True.  The person is telling you what he saw.


You go to a basketball team and see your team win. You tell your friends about the game. This is a secondary source.   True or False

False.  You were there!  This is a primary source.


An Autobiography.

What is a primary source .  It is written by you about you and events you have experienced


A textbook.  Is it a primary or secondary source?

Secondary.  A textbook is written about a topic using primary sources but the actual content was not witnessed by the editors.


Human-made objects that provide information about how people lived.

What is an artifact


You post a picture on IG of your history test to stunt on your friends because you got an A! 

 Primary source: True or False?

True: A picture taken by someone there to experience or witness the event is a primary source


Your find an old wedding dress that your great grandmother wore to her wedding. This is a primary source? 

True.  Clothing from an event or time period is a primary source


A book you write about someone else.

Secondary.  You are writing about someone else!


A primary source is always truthful.  True or False

False.  You can write something down but it might not be the truth.


What is an example of an era? For an extra 50 pts provide evidence why it is an era.

Multiple answers!


Our history text book is a primary source

True or False?

False. Textbooks are secondary sources that take information from multiple sources to describe events that happened in the past. The author of the textbook did not experience the events for himself


You watch a video your classmate made about Martin Luther King.  This is a secondary source.  True or False

True.  Your classmate did not personally know Martin Luther King.


Which types of sources are most likely to elicit emotion in people?



A secondary source is always truthful.  True or False

False.  If I told you I was ten years old and then you told your classmates that I was ten years old, that would be false information.


Age, gender, political beliefs, and religion are all characteristics that can affect someone's______________

point of view.


A scientist who studies, talks, and writes about dinosaurs is a primary source

True or False?

False.  No one living has ever seen a dinosaur!


You talk about a nice vacation your friend took.  This is a secondary source.  True or False?

True.  You didn't go on the vacation.  You were not there.


A memoir 

what is a Primary source.  The person is writing about events they have experience. 


A Native American arrowhead found in the dirt in your backyard is a primary source.

Yes.  It was made by a Native American who probably dropped it at some past time.


A timeline is a good way to show this.



A piece of Native American pottery from the 1600s is a secondary source.  True or False?

False.  The piece of pattery is a artifact of the 1600s and was made by someone who lived at that time.


A diary written by John Smith (who lived there in the 1600's) about the Jamestown settlement is a secondary source.  True or False

False.  John Smith wrote about his own experiences. It is a  primary document.


The foundation of an old building

Primary or Secondary

Primary.  It was built by people living at that time.


A photograph is a primary source.

Yes.  Someone was there witnessing the event and taking a picture.


If the information in a source is prejudiced, then it contains this.
