Marathon, Halo: Combat Evolved, Destiny
This Risk of Rain character features a "corruption meter" that causes him to turn purple when full
Void Fiend
Aleks Li, English voice of this Street Fighter 5 newcomer, has been involved in many memes and shitposts related to the character, including a parody of "Ryu from Streets"
When the third installment in this Sci-Fi FPS series finally comes out, it will have been "worth the weight"
This game, developed by Obsidian Entertainment, was made following the studio's break with Bethesda, and was meant to be a spiritual successor to Fallout: New Vegas
The Outer Worlds
The Sims, SimCity, Spore
Invasions from this Dark Souls III PVP faction cause a player to enter another player's world as a neutral purple spirit, who can fight either the world's host or other invaders
This League of Legends character was voiced by Cia Court in game, and Hailee Steinfeld in the companion TV series
These three gemstones are the names of the three games in Pokémon's third generation
Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald
This game, originally release on the PlayStation, pioneered the anti-gravity racing game genre
Banjo Kazooie, Donkey Kong Country, Battletoads
Rare (RareWare)
This purple rune is coveted by mid-laners in DOTA 2, and makes it easy to sneak up on enemies for a gank
Invisibility Rune
This longtime Guilty Gear character shares a Japanese voice actor with DIO in the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure anime adaptation
"______ is 3" said game director Katsuhiro Harada when asked about the fighting game's rollback netcode implementation
Tekken 7
In front of a live audience at Summer Games Done Quick 2019, speedrunner Zallard1 set a world record in the Any% blindfolded category of this sports game for the Wii
Punch Out!!!
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Ghosts, Infinite Warfare
Infinity Ward
This "Purple Guy" from the Five Nights at Freddy's series is a serial killer whose actions result in most of the events of the game
William Afton
Although he's best known as Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars films, Mark Hamill has reprised this comic book character role 11 times in video games alone
The Joker
Although there is a Street Fighter III, the actual third main line Street Fighter game is this one, released after Super Street Fighter II Turbo in 1995
Street Fighter Alpha
This realm in the Mortal Kombat series is home to several toothy aliens, including Scarlett, Mileena, and Goro
World of Goo, Litte Inferno, Human Resource Machine
2D Boy
Jimi Hendrix's Purple Haze is featured on this version of the popular rhythm game Guitar Hero
Guitar Hero World Tour
This friendly purple dragon was voiced by Elijah Wood
This version of the popular Nintendo pet sim was among the first three games to make use of the 3DS's 3D functionality
Nintendogs + Cats
This game starring a gorilla was the second commercial game developed by Bennett Foddy, the man responsible for QWOP and Getting Over it
Ape Out