Names and Titles
Wirt, Greg, and Beatrice
The Unknown
In-Show Secrets
Behind the Scenes

By the end of episode one of Over the Garden Wall, Greg calls his frog by this name

What is Wirt?


Wirt and Greg are actually not brothers, but this

What is Half Brothers?


In episode two a small town is revealed to exist right outside the woods. It is implied that the characters residing here are this

What is Dead Souls?


At the end of the show where the boys wake up in the hospital, Greg's frog, Jason Funderburker, does what that indicates that what the two experienced was real?

What is Glows?


While we know it as the Unknown, the woods that the boys are lost in was originally called by this name

What is the In-Between?


In episode five, "Mad Love", the warring tea company connected to Mister Endicott's is called this

What is Margueritte Grey's Tea Company?


It is revealed in the show that Greg stole this from a neighbors garden

What is a Pet Rock?


In the tavern there are several characters introduced to us, all with titles related directly to their jobs or positions. This character in the tavern openly defies the law

What is the Highway Man?


The change from autumn to winter in the show is believed to symbolize this

What is the Point of No Return?


The ferry to get to Adelaide's Pasture costs each passenger one penny each. This is a reference to this mans ferry across the styx in Greek mythology

What is Charon's Ferry?


Greg calls his frog by many names throughout the show. However, he finally settles on this name

What is Jason Funderburker?


In episode nine, "Into the Unknown", it is shown that Wirt created a tape for his crush, Sara, titled this

What is For Sara?


The teacher at the animal school was named this

What is Miss Langtree?

In the show the Woodsman is revealed to have been fueling the lantern in the hopes of keeping his daughter's soul alive. However, at the end of the show, after the lantern is destroyed, she is waiting for him at home, implying this

What is Breaking the Lantern Released the Souls?


Due to correlations between the show and a certain 14th century poem, as well as its overall eerie tone, many believe that our two main characters are stuck in this place between life and death

What is Purgatory or Limbo?


Wirt is originally called the "Young Lover" by the tavern-goers, however they later call him by this name

What is The Pilgrim?


Beatrice and her family are not actually bluebirds, but were cursed to be them because she did this

What is Threw a Rock at a Bluebird?


For the majority of the show the Woodsman believes the lantern contains this

What is His Daughter's Soul?


The music in Over the Garden Wall is based on the style before this era

What is the 1950s?


Patrick McHale describes the turtles as seen in the show as "an imperfection in the quilt". The turtles are an allegory for what? 

What is Inner Darkness?


The trees that fuel the lantern are this type of wood

What is Edelwood?


Beatrice is actually leading the boys to Adelaide in order to trade them as servants for a pair of scissors to save her family. She is told to do this in order to become human again

What is Cut Off Her Wings?


Lorna's aunt and Adelaide of the pastrure share this relationship

What is Sisters?


In the final episode what is the song in the background?

What is Potatoes and Molasses in Latin


Over the Garden Wall is actually based on this 14th century poem

What is Dante's Inferno?