Mormon 5
Mormon 6
Mormon 7
Mormon 8:1-22
Mormon 8:26-41

How did any of the Nephites survive a battle?

•Those whose flight was swifter than the Lamanites’ did escape, and those whose flight did not exceed the Lamanites’ were swept down and destroyed

•(Mormon 5:7)


Seeing the hundreds of thousands of dead Nephites, this is what Mormon testifies of:

•The day soon cometh that your mortal must put on immortality, and these bodies which are now moldering in corruption must soon become incorruptible bodies;

•and then ye must stand before the judgment seat of Christ, to be judged according to your works.

O that ye had repented before this great destruction! 

Mormon 6:21-22





What is the most precious gift that is on the earth today?

•The record of the Book of Mormon is of great worth. Mormon 8:14


What words does Moroni use to describe the conditions that would exist when the Book of Mormon would come forth?

•Out of the Earth shall they come

•It shall come in a day when it shall be said that miracles are done away

•Come even as if one should speak from the dead

Mormon 8:26


How can we be clasped in the arms of Jesus?

EXTRA 200 POINTS: What word did Mormon use to describe how people in our day would feel as they learned about the fall of the Nephites? 

•Through repentance

•Mark the word sorrow in verse 11


This is the place where the Nephites were destroyed


•Mormon 6:2


What did Mormon want the descendants of the Lamanites to know?

•Mormon's Final Testimony, he exhorts the decendants of the Lamanites to believe in Jesus Christ and follow His gospel. (Chapter Heading) 





What power did the Prophet Joseph Smith have in order to bring forth the Book of Mormon? 

•Joseph Smith brought forth the Book of Mormon by the power of God.


Mormon repented of his oath even though he didn’t have this:

•I was without hope, for I knew the judgments of the Lord which should come upon them

•Mormon 5:2


In this year the Nephites had their final battle and were entirely destroyed

•385 ad

•(Mormon 6:5 or the chapter summary)


In verses 5,8 & 10 Mormon taught us what we must do in order to be saved. Name 3 of them.

EXTRA 300 POINTS: Name all 6 mentioned in these verses

Acceptable answers include:

•Have a knowledge of our fathers (genealogy) 

• Repent of our sins 

• Believe that Jesus is the Son of God and He overcame physical death 

• Lay hold upon the gospel of Jesus Christ in this record (Book of Mormon) and the record of the Jews (Bible) 

•Understand that we are a remnant of the seed of Jacob 

•Be baptized first with water, then with fire and the Holy Ghost


In Mormon 8:14-16, Moroni gives 4 key descriptions of the coming forth of the book of Mormon. What are they?

•An eye single to God's glory.

•The Lord will bless him (Joseph Smith) who brings it to light.

•Only through the power of God 

•It shall be brought or shine out of darkness into the light. 


What did Moroni say in verses 26-32 to describe our day? List 10 things. 

• The blood of the saints shall cry unto the Lord because of secret combinations and the works of darkness

•Power of God shall be denied 

•Churches will be defiled and teachers are lifted up in the pride of their hearts 

•Fires, tempests, and vapors of smoke in foreign lands, Wars, rumors of wars, and earthquakes in divers places. Great pollutions on the earth, murders, robbings, lying and deceiving, whoredoms, nothing we do will matter in the eyes of God


Mormon does not want us to sorrow too much because of the Nephites, but he shares some of what he has seen because he knows this:

•All things which are hid must be revealed upon the house-tops

•Mormon 5:8-9


Before the battle, Mormon did this:

•I hid up in the hill Cumorah all the records which had been entrusted to me by the hand of the Lord, save it were these few plates which I gave unto my son Moroni.

•Mormon 6:6


What will those who obey the principles and ordinances of the gospel of Jesus Christ receive? 

Eternal life


When Mormon was killed in the last battle between the Nephites and the Lamanites, who was left alone without any family members or his people and also fearing for his life?


Mormon 8:2-3


What did Moroni invite the people of our day to do?

•Look to the revelations of God

Mormon 8:33


Mormon tells us five reasons why he is writing this Book of Mormon

(Hint: three are together and two others are further down the ‘page’)

•That the unbelieving of the Jews may be persuaded that Jesus is the Christ

•That the Father may restore the Jews, or all the house of Israel, to the land of their inheritance

•That the seed of this people may more fully believe the gospel (Mormon 5:14-15)

•To remember the prayers of the righteous (Mormon 5:21)

•That we/ye Gentiles may repent and humble ourselves before God, lest he come out in justice against us. (Mormon 5:24)


In Mormon 10-15, If you add up all the “So-and-so and his 10ks” how many Nephites died in the battle in the Land of Cumorah.

EXTRA 500 POINTS: How many Nephites survived the great and terrible battle? 

•230,000 Nephites

• 24 Nephites 

Mormon 6:15


Recite the 4th Article of Faith from memory

• We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. 


What does Moroni warn those who reject or condemn the Book of Mormon and oppose the Lord's work of salvation?

•Shall be in danger by Hell fire.

•Shall be smitten

•Shall be judged harshly by the Lord.

•The Lord will take up revenge

Mormon 8:17-22


How can knowing that Moroni and other prophets saw us and our day strengthen your faith in the Book of Mormon?

•Share your thoughts