Missionary Service
Apostles and Prophets
Book of Mormon
Before going to the temple, you must meet with a member of the bishopric and get one of these.
What is a temple recommend?
The length of time every able and worthy young man is called to serve as a full-time missionary.
What is 2 years?
Three Apostles were called to be members of the Quorum of the Twelve in the October LDS General Conference.
Who are Elders Rasband, Stevenson, and Renlund?
The Book of Mormon is another testament of this person. He is mentioned or referred to approximately 3,925 times in the book.
Who is Jesus Christ?
The youngest church president in our dispensation was visited by the Father and the Son when he was a young teenager.
Who is Joseph Smith?
A worthy member of the Church who is at least 12 years old may participate in this sacred ordinance.
What is baptism for the dead?
Young LDS women can now serve a mission at this age.
What is 19?
This 91 year old doctor is the current President of the Quorum of the Twelve.
Who is Russell M. Nelson?
The longest book in the Book of Mormon.
What is the Book of Alma?
How old was Joseph Smith at the time of the First Vision?
What is 14 years old?
This ordinance, that is performed in the temple, is essential in order to receive the blessing of an eternal family.
What is temple marriage or sealing?
Missionaries speaking their own native language only stay in the MTC for this length of time.
What is three weeks?
Four different Apostles have been college presidents. Name three of them.
Who are Dallin H. Oaks, Jeffrey R. Holland, Henry B. Eyring, and David A. Bednar?
The name of the Nephite capital city.
What is Zarahemla?
The LDS church was officially organized in a log farm house belonging to Peter Whitmer, Sr. in Fayette, New York on this date.
What is April 6, 1830?
The first temple in this dispensation was built in this Ohio city.
What is Kirtland?
This Book of Mormon hero served a fourteen year mission and helped to convert two Lamanite kings.
Who is Ammon?
Three members of the Quorum of the Twelve were attorneys in their professional careers. Name two of them.
Who are Dallin H. Oaks, Quentin L. Cook, and D. Todd Christofferson?
This Book of Mormon prophet hid sacred records in the Hill Cumorah after receiving them from his father. As an angel, he guarded them for centuries.
Who is Moroni?
Daily Bonus - Earn these points by sharing your testimony of the Restoration and the Book of Mormon. (1 or 2 minutes)
Daily Bonus - (1 or 2 minutes)
This temple was the first temple started in Utah but was the fourth one finished. It took 40 years to build.
What is the Salt Lake Temple?
The first officially appointed missionary in this dispensation served in upper New York State and Vermont.
Who is Samuel Harrison Smith?
Two members of the Quorum of the Twelve were called in the October 2004 General Conference.
Who are Dieter F. Uchtdorf and David A. Bednar?
Moroni invites us to read, ponder, and pray to know if the Book of Mormon is true. To get an answer, we need to pray with two things. What are they?
What is a sincere heart and real intent?
During the translation of the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdrey were visited by a heavenly messenger who restored the Aaronic Priesthood.
Who is John the Baptist?