From start to finish, the pioneers trekked through this many states.
What is five?
The Mormon migration to the Utah Valley was led by this man, the second president of the Church.
Who is Brigham Young?
These animals were used to pull wagons along the trail.
What are oxen?
Fully loaded, one of these could weigh around 500 pounds.
The first pioneers arrived in the Salt Lake Valley on July 24 of this year.
What is 1847?
This city, where the Latter-day Saints lived before the trek westward began, was originally named Commerce, Illinois.
What is Nauvoo?
These two brothers, martyred in Carthage Jail, didn't live to see the pioneers trek west.
Who are Joseph and Hyrum Smith?
To protect themselves at night, the pioneers pulled their wagons and handcarts into this shape.
Of the 70,000 pioneers who trekked west, 96% of them traveled using these, not handcarts.
After arriving in the Salt Lake Valley, the pioneers planted this crop their first year.
What are potatoes?
This rock formation in present-day Wyoming, pointed the pioneers to Utah
What is Brigham's Arrow?
An escaped slave that traveled west with Brigham Young
Green Flake
Women and girls wore these on the trail to protect their faces from the sun.
Between 1856 and 1860, this many companies (or groups) of handcart pioneers walked to the Salt Lake Valley.
Utah's state bird, in honor of a miraculous event when flocks of them ate locusts that were threatening the pioneer's crops.
What is a seagull?
After the Saints were driven from Nauvoo, the first major city they founded was Winter Quarters, located in what is now this state.
What is Nebraska?
Nephew of Joseph Smith, traveled west in 1846, later became a leader of the religion.
Joseph Fielding Smith
Pioneers didn't have much room for big musical instruments, so songs were often accompanied by one of these.
What is a harmonica?
The largest handcart companies had this many pioneers.
The State of Utah was originally known by this name, taken from the Book of Mormon name for "honeybee."
What is Deseret?
A famous landmark in Utah built by the Pioneers. Took over 40 years to complete. One of the first major construction projects after the settlement of Utah.
Salt Lake Temple
These two handcart companies, the last to leave for the Salt Lake Valley in 1856, got stranded in the mountains in harsh winter weather.
What are the Willie and Martin Handcart Companies?
This food lived up to its name. Some pioneers crumbled it up or soaked it in a drink.
Total miles traveled from Nauvoo to the Salt Lake Valley on foot.
Around 1300 miles
Today PEF stands for Perpetual Education Fund to help members attend school. But in 1849, the E in PEF stood for this.
What is emigration?