Who founded Mormonism?
Who is Joseph Smith?
What is the main Mormon scripture besides the Bible?
Book of Mormon
What day do Mormons typically worship?
Where is the LDS Church headquarters?
Salt Lake City, Utah)
Do Mormons believe in the Trinity the same way as other Christians?
No, they believe in three distinct beings
What year was the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints officially organized?
What are the three levels of heaven in LDS doctrine?
Celestial, Terrestrial, Telestial
What do young Mormon men often do at age 18?
Serve a two-year mission
What university is owned by the LDS Church?
Brigham Young University – BYU
What do Mormons believe about God’s nature?
That God has a physical body
What event led to Joseph Smith’s death
Murder by a mob in Carthage, Illinois
What is baptism for the dead?
A proxy baptism performed for deceased ancestors
Mormons tithe this amount
Giving 10% of income to the Church
How many apostles lead the Church at a time?
(15: 1 President, 2 Counselors, 12 Apostles)
What do Mormons believe about the afterlife for non-Mormons?
They can go to different levels of heaven)
Who led the LDS pioneers to Utah?
Brigham Young
What is the Word of Wisdom?
Health code that prohibits alcohol, tobacco, coffee, and tea
What is temple endowment
A sacred ritual performed in LDS temples
What is the LDS Church’s missionary program called?
Missionary Training Center - MTC
What is the LDS view of the Bible compared to the Book of Mormon?
They believe the Bible is true “as far as it is translated correctly” but the Book of Mormon is more pure)
What was the name of the angel who guided Joseph Smith?
What do Mormons believe about eternal marriage?
Couples sealed in temples can be together forever
What is the purpose of Family Home Evening?
Weekly time for families to learn gospel principles together
What is General Conference?
A semi-annual worldwide church meeting
Why do some Christians not consider Mormons to be Christians?
(Because of differences in beliefs about God, Jesus, and scripture)