Mental Health
Job Interview
Canada's Government

1. Iris has done a lot of research.

2. Iris has been doing a lot of research.

In which sentence the action is still continuing?

Sentence #2


Are mental health and mental illness the same thing?

No, they are not.

Mental illnesses are problems in thoughts and feelings that affect our daily life. Mental health is about our well being and we all have it.


Is it premature to ask questions about salary or benefits at a job interview?

Yes, it is . You can ask these questions only if you are offered the job.


Some health experts say that traveling can be good for your mental health. Why do you think this could be true?

The combination of new experiences, relaxation, social interactions that travel provides can contribute significantly to better mental health.


Whom does the Governor General represent in Canada?

the monarch


Choose the correct verb form:

My mother has been ill / was ill for many months.

My mother has been ill  for many months.


Give examples of what mental health problems can mindfulness help with?

stress; anxiety; depression

  1. When do interviewers make small talk?

  • after the interview

  • when the candidate seems nervous

  • at the beginning of the interview

at the beginning of the interview


Voluntourism is a word that is a combination of two other words. What are they?

volunteer + tourism


Are the Members of Parliament appointed or elected?

They are elected by the Canadian citizens


Arrange the following modal verbs for suggestion from the weakest to the strongest: should, could, have to

1. weak - 

2. medium-

3. strong-

1. weak - could

2. medium- should

3. strong- have to


Explain what yoga is in your own words

Stretching, breathing, meditation


Give example of people who can be your references.

past supervisors, managers, colleagues, or teachers


What is the meaning of travel "bucket list"?

a list of places you want to visit at some point
in your life


What is MP and MPP ?

MP - Member of Parliament

MPP - Member of Provincial Parliament


Add the missing preposition:

-"How long have you been feeling sad?"

- "I have been feeling sad ____   two weeks".



Tell at least 3 ways you can support friends with depression.

Be encouraging; be patient; be available; be ready for an emergency


There are different types of interview questions - about your experience, your skills, or to imagine a scenario.

What type of question is the following:

"Give me an example of how you worked in a team?"



Give at least one advantage and one disadvantage of voluntourism.

Advantages: helps local people;experience for the volunteers ;you are still on vacation 

Disadvantages: take jobs away from the locals ; it's only for a short time ; some companies make money rather than helping local communities


Name one responsibility of the Federal Government and one of the Provincial Government

Federal: National defense, foreign policy, citizenship, criminal justice, international trade

Provincial: education, healthcare, property and civil rights, highways


Which other word we use instead of "used to" or past simple when talking about habits that don't happen any more? 

Example: I used to play every evening with my friends.

I would play every evening with my friends.


What is the meaning of the idiom "Get it off your chest"?

Tell someone about something so that you do not have to keep it only inside yourself.


Give examples of at least 2 different types of job interviews

One-on-one; phone interview; panel interview; lunch or dinner interview; group interview


Name one landmark or phenomenon each of these places is famous for:




Rome - Colosseum

Paris - Eiffel Tower

Iceland - Northern lights


What are the three key facts about Canada's system of government?

Canada is a federal state.

Canada is a parliamentary democracy.

Canada is a constitutional monarchy.