If you put your money in a bank, and it earns more money for you, it is earning what?
What does a vertebrate have?
a backbone
What is the word for two roads that cross at one point? It usually has a stop light there.
What organization was developed to solve future world problems?
League of Nations
What is a stanza?
a group of lines in a poem that are organized by rhyme or meter.
If I am driving from Italy to South America, what would the road be called?
the current state of things or the way things are right now.
status quo
What are Mrs. Austin's dog's names?
What is a country that appears to be independent but is actually controlled by another country.
Puppet State
What is a line that separates one area from another.
When I am pulling something back into itself, like a box cutter, or I am taking a sentence back, what am I doing?
What's the natural environment where an organism lives called?
What are shantytowns built by homeless people during the Great Depression
What happened between 1929 and 1941 in the United States. It was a huge downturn in the United States and the modern industrial economy.
The Great Depression
What is a long shallow container usually used to hold food or water for animals.
What do you call something that does not necessarily have clear lines, where you can't exactly tell what the picture is?
What does contradicted mean?
to say the opposite of what someone else is saying.
What is a tool that helps identify an unknown organism or item by asking a series of yes or no questions
Dichotomous Key
What was caused by a period of severe drought and storms that hit the Great Plains region of the United States in the 1930s.
Dust Bowl
What is the term that means that the first group are very wealthy and the second group are very poor.
Haves and Have-Nots
What prefix can you add to "tract" that would mean to take away from?
What is a ballad?
a way of writing or speaking that uses everyday language and is organized into sentences and paragraphs.
Name two of Mrs. Austin's CATS
Cats are Perro, Ellie, Jarvis and Gary
Who all was in the Triple Alliance?
Germany, Austria and Italy
What is a way of writing or speaking that uses everyday language and is organized into sentences and paragraphs.