This suffix changes a verb to a noun meaning 'one who does something'
What is -er? (e.g., teach → teacher)
This suffix marks the plural form of most English nouns
What is -s/-es? (e.g., cat → cats)
This type of morpheme can stand alone as a word
What is a free morpheme? (e.g., dog, run, happy)
These words carry the main semantic content in a sentence
What are content words? (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs)
This is the core part of a word that carries the main meaning
What is a root?
This prefix means 'not' or 'opposite of' and can be added to many adjectives
What is un-? (e.g., happy → unhappy)
This suffix marks the past tense of regular verbs
What is -ed? (e.g., walk → walked)
This type of morpheme must be attached to another morpheme
What is a bound morpheme? (e.g., un-, -ing, -tion)
These words primarily express grammatical relationships
What are function words? (prepositions, articles, conjunctions)
This is the base form to which inflectional affixes are added
What is a stem?
This suffix changes an adjective into an abstract noun
What is -ness? (e.g., happy → happiness)
This suffix is used with third-person singular subjects in present tense
What is -s? (e.g., he runs)
In the word 'unhappiness', identify all the bound morphemes
What are un- and -ness?
In the sentence 'The cat jumped over the fence', identify all function words
What are 'the', 'over', 'the'?
In the word 'unhappiness', identify the root
What is 'happy'?
This suffix creates adjectives from nouns, meaning 'full of' or 'characterized by'
What is -ful? (e.g., beauty → beautiful)
This suffix forms the comparative degree of adjectives
What is -er? (e.g., tall → taller)
This term describes a bound morpheme that must be attached to a stem but has lexical meaning
What is a bound root? (e.g., -ceive in receive)
This class of function words includes 'a', 'an', and 'the'
What are articles?
In the word 'deactivation', identify the root
What is 'act' (root)?
This suffix creates verbs from adjectives, meaning 'to make or become'
What is -ify/-fy? (e.g., simple → simplify)
This suffix forms the superlative degree of adjectives
What is -est? (e.g., tall → tallest)
In the word 'disagreement', identify all free and bound morphemes
What are: dis- (bound), agree (free), -ment (bound)?
In morphology, content words are also known by this term
What are lexical words/lexical morphemes?
This term describes a root that cannot stand alone and must be bound to an affix
What is a bound root? (e.g., -ceive, -mit, -fer)