Fill in the blank:
The power is in ___________.
Who are your classroom teachers?
Mrs. Hodge and Mrs. Catanzaro
Where can you find the date in the classroom?
On the calendar or on the white board.
Fill in the blank for the Morse School Pledge:
I am here to learn and to ______ and to try my best wherever I go.
Who is Morse's principal?
Ms. Mitchell
If you were absent, you could find your work in the _______.
Absent folder in the front of the room
What is Morse's school color?
Who is Morse's nurse?
Nurse Sam
What does the new calendar in the front tell us?
How many days are left in school.
What is Morse's mascot?
A mustang (horse)
Who is Morse's greeter?
Ms. Glock
If you wanted to know what you would be learning about in ELA or Math for the day, what could you look at?
The white board with the ELA and Math information.
What street is Morse Elementary on?
Mansion Street
Name one Math AIS teacher and one Reading AIS teacher.
Math: Ms. Hovling, Ms. Becker, Ms. Carley
Reading: Ms. Woerner, Ms. Gemmell, Ms. Coleman
What do the objectives on the white board tell you?
What you should be able to do by the end of the lesson.