
What is the highest recorded number of children born to one mother?

 One mother named Valentina Vassilyev gave birth to 69 children between 1725 and 1765.


How long do newborns sleep on average in 24 hours?

Newborns typically sleep between 14 to 17 hours each day.


All babies are born with this color of eyes.



What is babies’ most common “first word” in American English?

The most common first word is “mommy,” followed by “daddy,” “ball,” and “bye.”


What percentage of babies are born on their due date?

 Approximately 4% to 5% of babies are born on their due dates.


What state has the highest number of twin births?

The CDC 2014 statistics show that New Jersey had the highest percent of twin births with 4.31 percent. However, the state with the most twin births in 2014 was California with 46,559 twins.


What is the first sense babies form?  

Babies develop a sense of touch first, starting at around 8 weeks in-utero.


Are fingerprints are different in identical twins? Yes or No

Yes. Fingerprints are made as the babies move around and touch the amniotic sac, hence creating unique ridges and lines forming unique fingerprints that are not linked to the DNA. 


How long is an average pregnancy?

Approximately 40 weeks.


Free - Mo, how has this pregnancy gone?

Mo has the floor!


How far can babies see six weeks after birth?

Babies can see about 12 inches (30 cm) away.


This holds babies dirty diapers

Diaper Genie


Free - Mo, do you have any cravings? if so, what?

Mo has the floor :) 


What size is a newborn’s head in proportion to their body at birth?

A newborn’s head makes up about one-third of their total body length.


What was the weight of the smallest surviving baby ever born?

The smallest surviving baby was a little girl who weighed 8.6 ounces or 0.54 pounds at birth.


Free - What was one of your first memories?

Mo has the floor :)


What is the name of a baby polar bear?



What is the first color babies recognize?

 Babies see red a few weeks after they are born.  


What Country has the highest number of twins?

Nigeria. Igbo-Ora, a southwestern city in Nigeria, has the highest rate of twins across the globe. Given the moniker “Twin Capital,” the city has about 47 sets of twosomes for every 1,000 deliveries. For the last 12 years, Igbo-Ora has even hosted an annual festival in honor of its higher-than-usual rate of twins, attracting participants as far as France. While it’s unknown why the community commonly gives birth to twins, some suggest it may be due to their diet.


What bones are babies born without?

Babies’ kneecaps are made from cartilage when they are born. They don’t develop into bones until 2 to 6 years of age.


How many bones does a newborn have?



What is the average age for babies to say their first word?

Typically, babies say their first word between 11 and 13 months.


What was the weight of the biggest baby ever born?

The largest baby ever born was a boy who weighed 22 pounds, 8 ounces at birth (wow)!


How many diapers does a baby go through in their first year?

A baby goes through approximately 2,000 to 2,200 diapers in the first year.


This song is a famous ballad by Mariah Carey.

"Always Be My Baby"