What river was baby Moses placed in by his mother?
The Nile River
What was the fist plague that struck Egypt?
Turning the Nile river into blood
Who helped Moses lead the Israelites across the Red Sea?
His brother Aaron
What food did God provide the Israelites in the wilderness
What did Moses say to Pharoah when asking him to free the Israelites?
Let my people go
Who raised Moses after he was found in the river?
Pharoah’s daughter
Which plague involved frogs covering the land of Egypt?
The second plague
What did Moses do to part the Red Sea
He raised his staff and stretched out his hand over the sea
What did Moses strike to bring water for the Israelites in the desert?
A rock
What did Pharaoh do each time Moses asked him to free the Israelites?
He refused
Why did Moses flee from Egypt?
He killed an Egyptian who was beating an Israelite
Which plague caused boils to appear on the Egyptians skin?
The sixth plague
What did God send to protect the Israelites from the Egyptian army as they crossed the Red Sea?
A pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire
How many years did the Israelites wander in the desert?
40 Years
Who helped Moses speak to Pharaoh because he was hesitant to speak himself?
His brother Aaron
What did Moses see when he encountered God for the first time?
A burning bush
What was the final plague that convinced pharoah to let the Israelites go?
The death of the firstborn
What happened to the Egyptian army when they tried to cross the Red Sea?
The waters closed and drowned them
What was the name of the land God promised to give the Israelites? Where were they going?
The promised land (Canaan)
What happened to Pharaoh’s heart each time a plague struck Egypt?
It was hardened
What mountain did Moses climb to receive the 10 commandments?
Mount Sinai
During the plague of darkness, how many days was Egypt in complete darkness?
3 days
What did the Israelites do after they successfully crossed the Red Sea?
They sang a song of praise to God
How did God appear to the Israelites by day and by night?
A pillar of cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night
What did Pharaoh do after the Israelites left Egypt?
He changed his mind and sent his army to chase after them