Where did Moses live?
What was Moses' nationality?
What was the 2nd miracle Moses showed the people about God's power?
His skin turned into leprosy
How did God help the Israelites when they left Egypt during the day?
What did the people complained about to Moses?
They were hungry and thirsty.
How did Moses' real mom saved him?
Putting him on a basket and letting his basket down the river Nile.
How did God come to Moses?
Burning bush
What did Moses first tell the Pharaoh?
"Let my people go."
How did God help the Israelites when they left Egypt during the night?
Pillar of Fire
What did God feed the Israelites during the day?
Who adopted Moses?
The Princess
What was the first miracle God showed Moses that he was powerful.
Staff - snake - staff
How many plagues that God send down to Egypt/Pharaoh?
10 plagues
How did God parted the Red Sea?
What did God feed the Israelites during at night?
Who was watching Moses on the side?
His sister
Why did God get mad at Moses?
Moses insisted that he cannot do what God wanted him to do.
What was the last plague that God sent to Egypt/Pharoah?
Death of every 1st born
What did God tell Moses to do before parting the Red Sea?
Raise his staff and face the sea
What was the 3rd thing that God told Moses to feed the people?
To strike the rock and water came out.
Who actually raised Moses until he grew up?
His real mom.
Who did God send to help Moses?
His brother Aaron
Whose bones did Moses take with him when they left Egypt?
How did God slowed down the Egyptians from coming towards the Israelites?
Pillar of Fire
What was the Covenant God gave the people?
10 Commandments