Refused to give up her seat on the bus
Rosa Parks
1st Commandment
Honor God first; put God first; no other gods
exodus means...?
to leave or exit
Harriet Tubman
What is the first of the 10 Plagues?
Nile River turns to blood
Rescued baby Moses in the basket floating down the Nile
Pharaoh's daughter
5th Commandment
Do not murder (kill)
covet means...?
to desire/want
to peacefully disobey an unjust law is...
civil disobedience
constructed the golden calf for the Israelites
River Moses was sent down in a basket
Name of the object that held the 10 Commandments
Ark of the Covenant
What does the paschal lamb forshadow?
What city was MLK in jail where he wrote his famous letter?
How many books are there in the Bible?
mountain where Moses viewed the Promise Land from
Mount Nebo
What is the punishment for the Israelites breaking the first commandment?
They have to drink water with gold powder in it.
Explain the difference between Israelites/Hebrews
Israelites is the way the people of God (descendants of Abraham/Isaac/Jacob) distinguished themselves. Hebrews is the same group of people, but the word used by the Egyptians for them?
MLK refrences Moses in the speech he gives the day before he dies. He says he's been to the .... what?
In this class, we talked about how YHWH can sound like something? What did we say it can sound like?
In his letter, Martin Luther King Jr. mentions someone’s reaction to being denied entry to Funtown, an amusement park. Who is he referring to?
His daughter
Which of the 10 Commandments have to do with marriage(wife/husband)?
6 and 9
What are the 3 qualities of the Paschal Lamb?
1 year old, male, without blemish
What date was MLK assasinated?
April 4th, 1968
The Hebrew word for basket is the same Hebrew word for...