The name of the country where Moses was born.
What is Egypt?
What is a burning bush?
These two visible signs showed the way God wanted the Israelites to go and provided light at night.
What are pillars of cloud and fire?
The finger of God wrote the commandments onto this number of stone tablets.
What is 2?
This Israelites wandered in the wilderness for this number of years.
What is 40?
He commanded that every boy born should be thrown into the Nile River.
Who is Pharaoh?
The final plague involved what certain place where the blood of the lamb was to be put.
What are the doorposts and lintel (or top) of the door?
This waterway was miraculously opened up so the Isrealites could pass through.
God gave instructions to Moses on how to build this place where God would dwell with his people?
What is the tabernacle?
The Israelites celebrated this event once a year to remember how God saved them through the final plague.
Some very interesting that Pharaoh's daughter found among the reeds of the Nile.
After Moses told God he wasn't good at talking, God told him that this man would help him. This man also happened to be the brother of Moses.
Who is Aaron?
After the people complained about the lack of food, God provided this bread from heaven.
What is manna?
While the Israelites had to constantly keep sacrificing over and over again to cover their sin, this Lamb of God only had to sacrifice himself once for all time.
After seeing a Hebrew beater, Moses did something that made him run away from Egypt.
What is killing an Egyptian?
God used this name for himself when Moses asked what his name was.
Who is "I AM WHO I AM"?
This man was Moses father-in-law, who gave him sound advice about settling arguments between people.
Who is Jethro?
Name of 5 of the Ten Commandments.
What are no other Gods, no idols, no taking Lords name in vain, remember Sabbath, honor parents, don't murder, don't commit adultery, don't steal, don't bear false witness, don't covet?
The names of the two spies who were the only adults that would be able to enter the promised land.
Who were Joshua and Caleb?
The meaning of Moses' name given to him by his adoptive mother (Pharoah's daughter)
What is "I drew him out of water"?
Names of 5 of the 10 plagues.
What are Nile turned to blood, frogs, gnats, flies, death of animals, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, death of first born?
This mountain the place where God met with Moses and gave him the law
What is Mount Sinai?
This special room in the tabernacle held the Ark of the Covenant and was visited once a year.
What is the Holy of Holies?
The literal meaning of the word atonement.