General Lifeguarding rules
Basic Guarding Techniques
Pool Rules
Pool Rules part 2
Lifeguard Zones

true or false: lifeguards are allowed to eat meals on deck if they are the only lifeguard here


What is the basic guarding technique for scanning?

"Actively search the bottom, middle, and surface of the water"


Finish the sentence "Children under 6 must remain..."

within arm's reach of an adult


True or False: Patrons can not run on the diving board even if it is a light jog



Who is responsible for administering the swim test if there is only 1 lifeguard on duty?

the lifeguard on duty


For the disciplinary policy, what are the two steps for the first offense or a minor infraction?

1. Verbal warning (formally documented)

2. Meeting with the Director of Aquatics and programming- discussion and documentation of infraction


What does one long whistle blast mean?

used for spinal victim, passive victim, and used anytime you need to clear the pool


Patrons what age and older are required to use the gender appropriate locker room

6 and older


Any patrons under what age need to take the swim test?



Who starts the rotation if there are two lifeguards on duty?

lifeguard 1


What are the 4 most common types of adaptive patrons?

1. Heading Impaired

2. Blindness

3. Physical Impairment

4. Developmental Impairment


When guarding, if someone comes to talk to you you... "Speak to them while continuing to......."



True or False: Locks can be placed on any locker in the locker room as long as they are removed upon request (for locker room cleaning, maintenance, etc.)

FALSE locks cannot be placed on large lockers


List two reasons patrons are required to take the swim test every time they come to the pool

1. They may have the energy/skills to pass one day, but not necessarily the next

2. They may sustain injuries between visits that would prevent them from passing the swim test again

3. They may have gotten their wristband elsewhere

4. It's better to be safe than sorry 


True or False: Rotations always move clockwise

FALSE: counterclockwise


What are 3 qualifications in order to become a lifeguard?

1. Minimum of age 15

2. Current American Red Cross CPR/AED for Professional Rescuer and First Aid certification. 

3. Current American Red Cross Lifeguard certification

4. Ability to maintain certification-level of physical and mental readiness.

5. Must demonstrate lifeguard skills to meet American Red Cross Lifeguarding course objective. 


Why do we use preventative lifeguarding?

using this technique can help a guard identify many potential dangers before they occur

Finish the quote "If you see a patron wearing street shoes, ....."
Explain the reasoning behind our policy

What temperature is the hot tub kept at?

100-103 degrees


When there is two lifeguards on stand, who watches the hot tub?

Lifeguard 1


Finish the quote "Wisconsin state code requires that lifeguards be dressed in suitable swim attire which allows the lifeguard to be suitably prepared to......"

enter the water and act in an emergency and which allows persons in the enclosure to be able to readily identify the lifeguard


List 4 of the 6 early detection signs guards can watch for AFTER a patron enters the water for preventative lifeguarding

1. Weak Kick

2. Hair in the eyes

3. Glassy Eyes

4. Hand Waving

5. Inability to respond

6. Clinging to items


Diving in water less than what feet is prohibited?

9 feet


True or False: A lifeguard needs to be positioned at the diving board for the diving board to be open

FALSE: a lifeguard needs to be on deck


With 3 guards on stand, what is the rotation? (ex. 4A goes to 4B...)

1 goes to 2A, 2A goes 2B, 2B goes to 1