When you are noticing the experience and watching your feelings come and go you are doing this skill to achieve wise mind. Which skill are you using?
Name the 5 senses in self-sooth.
Touch, Taste, Smell, Vision, Hearing
Today I sat down in front of the piano and practiced for 45 minutes. What ABC skill was I using?
Building mastery.
What is the GIVE skill used for ?
to maintain/ healthy build relationships
Come up with the dialectic for this statement... "all my problems are my own fault."
Example.... "I may not have caused all of my problems, and I need to solve them anyway."
Observe, describe and participate are called the ______ skills?
What is a skill to use when deciding whether or not to engage in an urge?
Pros/ Cons
Wise Mind
Today I scheduled a lunch date with an old friend. Which ABC skills did I use?
Building positive experiences
Describe a situation when you used GIVE that was effective.
Maintaining a relationship. Communicating in a G (gentle), I (interested), V (validating), and E (easy) manner.
You're sitting in an airplane about the take off and you're feeling extremely worried and anxious. Name a module of skills that would be helpful to use here, and a particular skill from that module.
Distress tolerance. ACCEPTS, self-soothe, Improve...
Non-judgment, one-mind and effectiveness are called the ______ skills?
What skill is this- ‘completely and totally accepting reality for what it is – letting go of the fighting?’
Radical acceptance
Last night I was mindful of my screen time before bed, which made falling asleep easier. Which of the PLEASE skills was I using?
Balanced Sleep (by using sleep hygiene skills)
Come up with a cheer-leading statement to counter this worry thought... "If I go to the BBQ everyone will think I'm a loser because I'll be so awkward and nervous, I probably should just stay home."
Describe a time when you used the opposite action skill effectively
When you are in _________ mind you are impulsive, forget consequences and are reactive?
What does the P stand for in ACCEPTS? Describe and explain.
P (Push Away)
Someone just yelled a rude remark at you. You feel your face getting hot. Your muscles are tightening. You feel like you want to lash out at someone. What emotion could you be feeling?
What does D, R and N stand for from DEAR MAN? Explain.
D - describe
R - reward
N - negotiate
Explain what validation is and why it is important to use for ourselves, and with other people.
Validation is a skill used to communicate to another person, or to ourselves, that our (their) emotions, thoughts, or actions make sense and are understandable in a particular situation. It shows that we are listening, and helps to decrease conflict in relationships as well as the intensity of emotions being experienced.
This skill to achieve wise mind asks you to become one with an activity, and to be aware of the experience and feelings without being self-conscious.
Explain when T from TIPP and when it should be used.
TIPP (temperature) is one of the 'crisis survival skills' and is intended to be used when emotions are at their highest and strongest. The TIPP skills helps to bring the intensity of the emotion down, and move us closer to Wise Mind.
You feel nervous because you're about to perform in front of an audience. You decide to sit in a quiet space, breath, and eat so you don't feel faint before the show starts. Which ABC skill(s) was I using?
Coping ahead PLEASE skills
What is the FAST skill used for?
Keeping your self-respect - FAST
What is DEAR MAN used for ?
Asking for what you want/ assertive communication