The reason why the newspapers could not publish the children's labor rights massacre.
What does the quote "they could not" represent in the text?
Parents lied about their children's age
What happened because the children's labor law stated children under 13 couldn't work?
Name the connotation: "Barefooted little girls and boys reached their tiny hands into the treacherous machinery to repair snapped threads or crawled underneath the machinery to oil it."
What is negative?
The SEGA quiz:
1. The game that the movie "Sonic the hedgehog 3" was based on.
2. The accessory that you could plug into your SEGA genesis and play games with cool 3D graphics
3. Fill in the blanks: "I'll make you ___ those _____!" -- Sonic the hedgehog in the answer to question 1
1.What is Sonic Adventure 2?
2. What was the 32X?
3. eat, words
The things MJ put in the cages at coney island to represent the labor they go through
What are children?
The event that gave MJ the idea to host her own tour
What is the liberty bell tour?
Name the connotation: "'I love children'"
The 1981 Bandai Namco arcade game where you play as a ship, move left to right, and shoot aliens
What is Galaga?
The reason "Mother Jones' Crusaders" couldn't get into the white house
What impact did the secret service stopping "Mother Jones' Crusaders" have on the story?
The approximate amount of children under the age of sixteen worked in mills, factories, and mines.
What is 2,000,000?
Name the connotation: "the torn, bleeding fingers of the breaker boys, the mill children living on coffee and stale bread. "
What is negative?
The accessory that came with the 1985 console, the NES, that saved the video game industry (If you get this one correct, humanity has a chance)
What is R.O.B the robot?
Are you going to finish dat cwossaunt
President Roosevelt
Who did MJ want to see the massacre going on about children's labor?
The state that mostly implied child labor.
What is Pennsylvania?
Name the connotation: "The fife-and-drum corps gave concerts and passed the hat. People listened and donated money... Railroad engineers stopped their trains and gave them free rides.
What is postitive
The very first video on YouTube
What is "Me at the zoo"?
The author of the text
Who is Judith Pinkerton Josephson?
Mother Jones' real name
Who is "Mary Harris Jones"?
Name the connotation: "But Mother Jones invited the police to stay for lunch... That night, the policemen’s wives took the children into their homes, fed them, and packed them lunches for the next day’s march."
The Minecraft creepypasta that takes the form Steve, but has all white eyes
Who is Herobrine? [If you got this wrong, you were too busy playing Fortnite and Roblox (you should be ashamed of yourself)]
stop the cap