Mother's year of death
What is 1937?
Mother Luisita is from this state
What is Jalisco?
the man that Mother Luisita married
Who was Don Pascual Rojas?
Finish this maxim: "Be what you are supposed to be a ________"
What is "...a saint."
This is a place where Maria Luisa went on their honeymoon.
What is the convent?
Mother Luisita's feastday
When is February 11?
the name of the hospital that Mother and her husband built
What is Sacred Heart Hospital?
The name of Mother Luisita when she was baptized
What is Maria Luisa de la Peña?
Finish this maxim: "Do everything for _____"
What is God?
The number of siblings Maria Luisa de la Peña had
What is 12?
How old she was when she got married
What is 15 years old?
The reason they built the hospital
What is to take care of the sick who are poor?
The name of the Archbishop in Mexico who helped Mother Luisita
Who is Archbishop Orozco y Jimenez?
Finish this maxim: "Let us place all our __________ in God, always and for everything."
What is "confidence" ?
Maria Luisa de la Peña was named after this saint
Who is Saint Aloysius Gonzaga?
Mother Luisita arrived in the United States on this year
What is 1924?
the train that Mother Luisita took from Mexico end up here.
Where is Nogales, California?
Mother Luisita's Father's name
Who is Don Epigmenio de La Peña?
Finish this maxim: "Try to be ___________ everyday, trying to do whatever you have to do in the best possible way."
What is "better" ?
As a young girl, Maria Luisa de la Peña loved to go to these events.
What are bullfights?
Mother Luisita's age when her husband died?
What is 29 years old?
The parish that the bishop sent Mother Luisita after she arrived in Los Angeles
What is Holy Innocents Parish in Long Beach, California ?
Name the priest who welcomed Mother Luisita to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
Who is Father Ott?
"Don't omit _________ for any reason."
What is "prayer" ?
What is a disguise?