Autumn Bounty
No Place like Home
Down to Earth
Weather or Not

You will likely only eat the red and green stalks of this in a pie that is sometimes made with strawberries?

What is rhubarb?

While you can prepare the stalks in a variety of dishes, its nt a favorite vegetable. The leaves are poisonous whether raw or cooked.


The US and Canada are both home to this natural attraction.

What is Niagra Falls?

It's the collective name of 3 separate falls and its the Earth's second largest falls.


Plant abosorb water and nutrients through these.

What are roots?


Earth day is celebrated in this month.

When is April?

April 22


This title is given to an idividual who forecasts the weather.

What is a meterologist?


This flower is a symbol of the harvest season and are avaiable to purchase at garden centers, grocery stores as well as other businesses such as home Depot and Walmart.

What is a chrysanthemum?

Globally, they are the second-largest harvest in the ornamental category of flowers.


Australia is home to this natural underwater landmark that is off the coast of Queensland.

What is the Great Barrier Reef?


This plant produces red fruit with its seeds on the outside? 

What are strawberries?


The Aurora Borealis is better known by this name.

What are the Northern Lights?


This general term is used to describe rain, snow, sleet and hail.

What is precipitation? 


This purple vegetable is called an aubergine in Europe.

What is an eggplant?


Old Faithful can be found in this US National park?

What is Yellowstone?


This tropical rainforest is the world's largest.

What is the Amazon Rain Forest?


71% of the Earths surface is covered with this.

What is water?


This is an extremely dry period with no rain.

What is a drought?


This is harvested by first flooding the fields so that the vegetables can float to the top.

What are cranberries?


This landmark is in the largest state in the US and is only visible one out of every three days due to cloud cover.

What is Denali?


Native to North Carolina, this plant can attract and capture insects?

What is the Venus Fly Trap?


This imaginary line aound the earth's center separates the Northern and Southern Hemisphers.

What is the equator?


This instrument is used to measure air pressure.

What is a barometer?


While fall is well known as harvest season, it is also second season for farmers who plant these two vegetables.

What are cabbage and brccoli?


Located in Maryland and Virginia, this is North America's largest estuary that has marshes, sandy beaches, wetlands and open waters.

What is the Chesapeake Bay?


Saffron comes from this flowering plant.

What is the crocus?


This common expression (also the title of a Johnny Cash song) is used to refer to the horseshoe shaped zone found along the Pacific rim where approximately 90% of the world’s earthquakes occur.

What is thr Ring of Fire?


The fujita scale is used to measure the intensity of this weather event.

What is a tornado?