What father died in 1968 by experimenting with sodium pentothal in an attempt to reach the subconscious?
Who was Don Jackson
What mother taught herself to read at three years old?
Who is Virginia Satir
What father was the originator of Contextual Family Therapy, which emphasizes the “rightness” of ethical relating?
Who was Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy
What father most known for his publication of “Family Therapy”?
Who is John Bell
What father founded the Macy conferences on cybernetics in 1950?
Who is Gregory Bateson
Who father was married to Cloe Madanes who was a mother of Strategic Therapy?
Who was Jay Haley
What father combined humanism, play, and whimsy to form Symbolic Experiential?
Who was Carl Whitaker.
What mother was one of the first women to study at the University of Konigsberg and received her medical degree in 1913?
Who was Frieda Fromm-Reichman.
What mother wrote "The New Peoplemaking"?
Who was Virginia Satir.
What father founded the Mental Research Institute in 1959?
Who is Don Jackson
What father founded the Philadelphia Child Guidance Center and was a key developer of Structural Family Therapy?
Who was Salvador Minuchin
What father suffered from a series of illnesses including being tone deaf, dyslexic, and color blind?
Who was Milton Erikson
What mother studied the role of nonverbal communication in therapy at the Center for Advanced Study at Stanford University?
Who is Frieda Fromm-Reichman
What father published General Systems Theory which described systems with interacting components?
Who is Ludwig von Bertalanffy
What mother began working with Tony Robbins in coaching?
Who was Cloe Madanes
What father spent 3 months in jail in college for protesting the government's overtaking of universities?
Who is Salvador Minuchin
What father worked in experimental biology at the Zoology Institute of the University of Vienna?
Who was Ludwig von Bertalanffy.
What father was the director of the Palo Alto Mental Research and the Palo Alto Veterans Hospital?
Who was John Bell.
What mother published 7 innovative books discussing various aspects of MFT?
Who was Cloe Madanes.
What father co-founded the first family therapy journal, Family Process in 1961?
Who was Nathan Ackerman
What mother completed her undergraduate education in Economics?
Who was Cloe Madanes
What father created Transformational Systemic Therapy?
Who was Virginia Satir
What father was became the chief psychiatrist at Menninger Child Guidance Clinic in 1937?
Who was Nathan Ackerman.
What father published a book called “Control and Communication within the Animal and the Machine” which would later be renowned as “Cybernetics”?
Who was Norbert Weiner
Who father was the founder of the Internal Family Systems Model and established the Center for Self Leadership to educate on this training?
Who was Richard Schwartz