Mom Rulez!
Godly Mother

Mom loves to socialize while enjoying this, particularly if it is sweet.

What is wine?


In order to take s'more "mini" vacations, mom was excited to do this rustic activity.

What is camping


Not satisfied with the bedrooms for the boys, mom suggested painting their walls in this style?

What is camo? **


If presented with a new food, mom encouraged you to do this before saying you didn't like it. 

What is 'try one bite?'


Shortly after we married, mom decided to do this to spend more time with the boys and to help teach them Godly principles. 

What is quit her job?


One of mom's favorite activities to do, even if it is like herding cats to keep everyone at the table. 

What is play boardgames? **


This vacation place featured Ride the Ducks, go carts, indoor water park, and other shows

What is Branson? **


On Jan 2nd, 2009, mom had love at first site which ended up adding this very loveable family member.

Who was Bear? **


Prioritizing education was very important. You were asked to do this before playing games.

What is finish your homework?


Loving to work with kids and teach them about God, mom took jobs at these two places

What are First Baptist Maryville and O'Fallon?


This beautiful Veggie Tale's anthem became a staple to show affection for mom. 

What is Barbara Manatee? **


Mom was particular nervous in this city as she watched her boys perilously laying down in a glass-bottom room 1100+ feet from the street.

What is Chicago? **


Knowing the love of playing army, mom suggested turning the playground in our yard into this?

What is a fort? **


Frustrations are a part of life. Mom asked you to do this instead of keeping your feelings inside. 

What is 'use your words?'


First Baptist Maryville was in a parade to show off the Speed Racer summer bible camp where mom pulled one of these?

What is a rickshaw? **


Whether it was middle of summer or middle of winter, mom would love to have a 'fight' with these two objects?

What are snowballs and water balloons. **


Staying at this popular lake location featured renting a house, games, fishing, and boating. It's also the name of a popular show on Netflix. 

What is the Ozarks. 


In November 2019, mom made this suggestion for Christmas gifts to the boys. 

What is gifting them cars?


To make sure her boys were safe when younger, you weren't to do this past the end of the street.

What is ride your bike?


In 2006, at the Kidz Camp summer camp, mom was in charge of coordinating and running these types of games which took place each evening.

What are messy games? **


In 2017 during the cruise to Mexico, this 'tasting' event was one of mom's favorite thing we did with everyone.

What is tequila tasting? **


On our trip to Florida, the hotel in Orlando had this amazing theme based on a popular kids channel. 

What is Nickleodeon? **


Mom made these annual celebrations for each boy as big and fun as could be.

What are birthdays? **


Mom didn't raise bullies. If faced with an altercation, you were to defend yourself, but not do this. 

What is throw the first punch?


Mom does this with God for our boys (and their partners) more time than you can even imagine.

What is pray to God?