Mother Trivia
Mothers in Movies/TV
"Mother _____"
Mothers Around the World
The Holiday

One of the most famous Mother's of all time, this woman was given the name "Blessed Mother of ........." by Pope John Paul II.

Who is Mother Teresa?

In this 2000 movie based on a true story, Julia Roberts plays a single mother of 3 who fights against the energy corporation Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) for dumping illegal waste and poisoning hundreds of it's town's inhabitants
Who is Erin Brockovich.

Although she bore King Henry VII 6 children only one  Mary the  1st survived.

Who is Catherine of Aragon


This courageous Nobel Prize Winning nun was born Agnes Gonjaxhiu  in 1910

Who is Mother Theresa 


It's a day we celebrate moms around the world

What is Mothers Day


Mother in the language Marathi

What is Aayee.  


In this heartwarming film, Susan Sarandon plays a terminally-ill mom who teaches the new woman in ex-husband's life how to be a good mother to her kids.

What is "Stepmom"


A mom who pushes her child to performing arts is called this type of mother a synomyn for theatre

What is stage mom


A woman who rules or dominates a family, group, state, or country.

What is a matriarch


Mothers day is always on this day

What is 2nd sunday in May 

In the Bible, she is credited with being "The Mother of All the Living"
Who is Eve.

Mothers are portrayed in many roles by Bollywood, from the emotionally concerned and stressed mother to the housewife who aptly looks after the children and home as her main priorities. 

What is the name of the movie that was top of the list in 1957 staring Nargis and rated one of the greatest movies in the 50's. 

Hint : It has the word "Mother" in it.

What is "Mother India" 


Her life and the life of her dog was laid bare in this famous nursery rhymne

Who is Old Mother Hubbard


She was the mother of John the Baptist and Mary's cousin

Who is Elizabeth


These are the official flowers of Mothers Day (colour and type)

What are Red Carnations

This type of animal is one of the few species in the world where the male is responsible for carrying the eggs in his pouch until they are born.
What is a seahorse.

This  beloved animated series focuses on the eponymous family in the town of Springfield in an unnamed US state.

Hint : She  had tall blue hair and was mother to 3 children.

Who is "Marge Simpson" from "The Simpsons"


This mother term is a personification that focuses on the life-giving properties of weather.

What is Mother Nature


Famous Mama Words 

Eat your vegetables


Mothers day was started by this President

Who is Woodrow Wilson


The country where a child might be born may also be known as this

What is Motherland


This 2000 comedy introduces Martin Lawrence as an FBI agent in drag who poses as an elderly woman to investigate a crime.

What is "Big Momma's House"


Its another name for your native language

What is Mother Tongue 


Famous Mama Words :

You will always be my baby


This rocker's "Simple Man" was released in 1973 and was a beautiful ballad that celebrates all that a mother teaches a child.

Who is Lynyrd Skynyrd