Newton's Laws
Task 2 Definitions
Collision Experiment

You do a cannonball in the swimming pool, as you jump in, the water comes splashing out

Newton's 3rd Law


What is the definition of "Force"

What is: a push of pull on an object


What happens when all forces on an object are equal?

What is: the object does not move


What were we observing in the Collision Lab? (pennies and marbles)

What is the amount of pennies that got knocked off based on the effects of the different sized marbles.


What is an example of Newton's First Law?

Student gives correct response


A dog sled team uses eight dogs to pull the sled which moves faster than the team with four dogs.

Newton's 2nd Law


What is the definition of "Velocity"?

What is: the speed of an object in a certain direction


What happens when forces on an object are NOT equal

What is: the object moves


What materials were needed for the Collision Lab (pennies and marbles)

What are: Riser, track, marbles, pennies


What is a Scientific Procedure?

What is: a step-by-step recipe for a science experiment


Your little cousin runs to the swings on the playground, jumps into the seat and does not understand why he's not moving

Newton's 1st Law


What is the definition of "Unbalanced Forces"?

What is: Forces that cause a change in motion of an object


What is a DRAG force?

What is: the resistance force caused by the motion of an object


The stacks of pennies that represent "Earth" were not moving at the beginning of the experiment.  What causes this to change?  Which of Newton's Laws does this represent?

What is: the force of the marble causes the pennies to move.  What is: Newton's First Law


Based on Coach Wooden's Pyramid of Success, what was our "Theme of the Week"?

What is: Self-Control


A golf ball and baseball are hit with the same force, but the golf ball travels much faster

Newton's 2nd Law


What is the definition of Newton's First Law?

What is: An object at rest will stay at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion until an external force is applied


What is the force that opposes gravity and pushes up at you when you are standing up?

What is: Normal Force


What happened to the marbles "Etiam" after they hit the pennies "Earth"?  How does this relate to Newton's Third Law?

What is: the either stopped moving, slowed down, of were deflecting in another direction

What is: Action - marbles contacting the pennies, Reaction - pennies falling, marble changing direction


How does the speed and mass of an object affect the kinetic energy of the object?

Student gives appropriate response


A diver springs off a diving board and gravity pulls down on her into the water instead of her continuing up into the sky

Newton's 1st Law


What is the definition of Newton's Second Law

(including the equation)

What is: The acceleration of an object depends on the mass of an object and the force applied to it

F= m*a


Name 3 contact forces and 1 non-contact force

What is: Normal force, applied force, frictional force, air resistance/pressure

What is: Gravity


What were the 6 Role positions for the Collision Lab (pennies and marbles)

What is: Task Leader, Harmonizer, Resource Manager, Penny Stacker, Counter, Catcher


What is one GOOD thing going on in your life?

Student gives appropriate answer