Speed = Distance/Time
Distance= Speed x Time
Time= Distance/ Speed
Speed, Velocity, Acceleration
Definitions and Units

If Peyton drove her motorboat a distance of 1000.0 m in 7.04 s, how fast was her boat moving? (Round to nearest whole number)

What is 142 m/s


A girl runs at 8m/s for 12s, how far did she run?

What is 96 meters


If a car moves with an average speed of 60 km/hr for an hour, how far did the car travel in that hour?

What is 60 km


A boat sails 15 knots west.

What is Velocity

How can you define speed?

Speed = distance divided by time (No direction)


What is the speed of this traveling car: 100 m in 10 s

What is 10m/s


A car travels at 20m/s for 30 sec, how far did it go?

What is 600 m


If  a boat traveled 40 km/sec, how much time would it take to travel 80 km?

What is 2 hours

A car speeds up down a hill.

What is Acceleration


How can you define velocity

velocity = displacement divided by time (includes direction)


What is the speed of a car traveling 300 meters in 20 seconds?

What is 15 m/s


A bicycle travels at 15m/s for 4s how far did it travel?

What is 60 m


If a pitcher threw a fastball at 9 m/s, how long would it take the ball to travel 90 m?

What is 10 s


Usain Bolt runs 17 mph.

What is Speed


What is the difference between displacement and distance?

Displacement is a straight line from where an object started and where it ended. Distance is the actual path taken by the object. 


What is the speed of a cheetah that sprints 100 m in 4 s?

What is 25 m/s

If a ball traveled at the average speed of 4m/s, how far would it travel in 20 seconds?

What is 80 m


You ride your bike for 5 km, how long would it take if you were traveling at 2km/hour?

What is 2.5 hours

A plane travels 596 miles south east.

What is Velocity


What is acceleration?

Acceleration = change in velocity dived by time


If a car travels 40 km in 3 hours what is its speed? (Round to the nearest tenth)

What is 13.3 km/hour


If a car moves with an average speed of 60 km/hr. How far will it travel if it continues this average rate for 4 hrs?

What is 240 km


A ball is kicked at the speed of 720 m/s. What time is required for the soccer ball to reach the net 3240 m away?

What is 4.5 s


The car slows down because of the red light ahead.

What is Acceleration


True or False? You can have a negative acceleration or deceleration? 

True, think about how you decelerate when stopping in a car, or how you decelerate when you go from a sprint to a walk.