Distance and Displacement I
Distance and Displacement II
Speed, Distance and Displacement I
Speed, Distance, and Displacement II
Speed, Distance, and Displacement III

At football practice, Cam Newton threw the football at a speed of 10 m/s. If the ball was only in the air for 3 seconds, how far did it travel?



A track is 100 meters around. If a runner runs half way around the track, his distance traveled would be____________?

50 m


A car travels between 2 towns 60 miles apart in 2 hours.  What is its average speed?

What is 30 miles/hour?


Speed is the ratio of the distance an object moves to...

What is the amount of time needed to travel the distance?


It is a change in an objects position over time.

What is motion?


A dog chases a squirrel for 15.0 seconds and runs at a speed of 5 m/s. How far does he run?

75 m


A track is 100 meters around. If a runner runs all the way around the track, his displacement would be____________?



A person walks with an average speed of 2 meters/second, how far will they walk in 4 minutes?

What are 480 meters?


What is the person doing for 5-10 seconds?

What is stopped/not moving?

The shortest distance from your starting point...

What is displacement?


A bullet travels at 500.0 m/s. How long will it take a bullet to go 1000.0 m?

2 secs


Abby walked 2 blocks north, 2 blocks east, 2 blocks west, and then 2 blocks south. What was her displacement?



It is how fast an object, like a car, is moving.

What is speed?


In a football game, a ball is placed on the line of scrimmage.  The QB drops 2 yards back.  He then throws the ball 15 yards forward to a WR.  The ball is carried an additional 6 yards by the WR.  the ball is carried an additional 6 yards by the WR.  What is the distance the ball traveled?

What is 25 yards?


This path represents what is displacement.

What is path 2?


It is 2,000 km from John's house to Los Angeles. If he averages 100 km/hr, how much time will he spend driving to LA?

20 hours


In a football game, a ball is placed on the line of scrimmage. The QB drops back 2 yards. He then throws the ball 15 yards forward to a WR. The ball is carried an additional 6 yards by the WR. What is the distance the ball traveled?

19 yards


A track is 100  meters around.  If a runner runs all the way around the track, his displacement would be _________________.

What is 0 m?


In a football game, a ball is placed on the line of scrimmage.  The QB drops back 5 yards.  He then throws the ball 15 yards forward to a WR.  The ball is received and carried an additional 6 yards by the WR.  What is the displacement the ball traveled? 

What are 16 yards?


A plane flies overhead at 550 mi/hr.  In 5 hours, how far has it flown?

What is 2,750 miles?


A track is 100 meters around.  If a runner runs halfway around the track, his distance traveled would be ____________________.

What is 50 m?


In a football game, a ball is placed on the line of scrimmage. The QB drops back 2 yards. He then throws the ball 15 yards forward to a WR. The ball is carried an additional 6 yards by the WR. What is the displacement the ball traveled?

19 yrds


Abby walked 2 blocks north, 2 blocks east, 2 blocks west, and then 2 blocks south.  What is her displacement?

What is 0?


A stationary object such as a tree or a house...

What is a reference position?


What is the speed of the ant from 1-3 seconds?

What is 20 m/s?