Reference Point
Wild Card

What is the definition of motion?

Motion is the change in position of an object over time.


What is the formula for speed?

speed = distance/time.


What is the definition of velocity?

Velocity is the speed of an object in a given direction.


If everyone in the room stays perfectly still, are we still moving?

Yes, the Earth is constantly rotating so we are always in motion.


You are testing to see if change of mass in a ball changes how fast the ball rolls down a ramp. What is the independent variable?

The mass of the ball

Give an example of an object in motion.

A car moving down the road, a ball rolling down a ramp, a pendulum, etc.


What units are used to measure speed?

meters per second (m/s), kilometers per hour (km/h), etc.


What units are used to measure velocity?

speed (m/s, km/h, etc.) with direction (East, North, etc.)


Car A is going 25 m/s on 95-North. Car B is going 30 m/s on 95-South. How fast is Car B going from Car A's point of view?

55 m/s


You are testing to see if changing the height of a ramp affects the speed that the ball rolls down a ramp. What is the dependent variable?

Speed of the ball


What are two types of forces applied to a ball being thrown?

Gravitational force and physical force.


What is the difference between speed and velocity?

Speed measures how fast something is moving and velocity measures the speed and the direction.


Can velocity be calculated if just the distance and time are known?

No, you need to know direction.


If you are driving 30 m/s going South and another car going South passes you going 35 m/s, how fast would that car appear to be going from your point of view?

5 m/s


The green ball rolled across the bumpy ground at 4 m/s. What is the quantitative observation in this statement?

4 m/s


How is motion related to an object's position?

Motion is the change in an object's position over time. If an object changes its position, it is said to be in motion.


How can you calculate the speed of an object if the distance and time are known?

Speed can be calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken.


John walks 18 meters in 36 seconds, he is traveling East. What is his velocity and speed?

0.5 m/s (speed) East (velocity)


Max is on the side of the road measuring how fast cars are going. If a car is going 35 m/s, how fast is the car going from Max's point of view?

35 m/s

The parachute man fell 3 meters from the top of the ceiling at 2.5 m/s. The action figure with a parachute fell slower than the one without. What is the qualitative observation in this statement?

The action figure with a parachute fell slower than the one without.


What is an example of a tool you can use to measure motion?

Speed-guns, stopwatches, motion sensors, etc.


What is the average speed of an object that travels 150 meters in 30 seconds?

150m/30s= 5m/s


If you were asked "Tina travels 40 meters in 10 seconds, what is her velocity?", would you be able to answer that question with the given information.

No, you would be able to calculate speed but would need the direction to calculate velocity.


If you are traveling 30 m/s South and you throw a ball out to window 10 m/s going South, how fast would the car be going from the ball's point of view?

10 m/s (North)


What is Miss B.'s full last name?

Miss Bubar