Motion Dot Diagrams
Motion Graphs

How do you find distance?

Add all the paths together


If a car travels 120 km in 2 hrs, what is its speed?

60 km/hr


What is the equation for acceleration?

A = Vf-V/ t


When an object is speeding up on a motion dot diagram: Are the dots getting closer together, farther apart, remaining constant.

Getting farther apart


How can you tell if an object is moving in the negative direction on a velocity vs time graph?

When the graph is BELOW THE X-AXIS


If you walk 3 km east, and 4 km west, what is your distance traveled? 

7 km 


How is velocity different from speed?

Velocity must have a direction


A car increases its speed from 20 m/s to 40 m/s in 2 seconds. What is its acceleration? 

Vf = 40 m/s, Vi = 20 m/s, t= 2 s

4+-20 / 2 =  20/2

= +10 m/s2


When an object is slowing on a motion dot diagram: Are the dots getting closer together, farther apart, remaining constant.

Closer together


Find the speed of an object using the following points pulled from a position vs time graph: 

(10,5) and (12,0)

Units are m/s

Point 1: 10,5

Point 2: 12,0


0-5/12-10 = -5/2 = -2.5 m/s


If a runner completes a 400 m track, what is their displacement if they return to the starting point?

0 m 


If a cyclist travels 60 km north in 3 hours, what is their velocity?

20 km/hr North


A car is traveling with a velocity of 56 m/s. After 5 seconds, the car comes to a stop. What is the acceleration of the car?

Vf = 0 m/s, Vi = 56 m/s, t= 5 s

0-56 / 5 = -56/5

= -11.2 m/s2


If an object is traveling in the negative direction. Which way do your arrows point? Right or left?

To the left


What does a flat line on a velocity vs time graph indicate about the object's motion?

The object is at a constant velocity! 


A hiker walks 6 km east, and then 8 km west. What is their displacement?

2 km west 

If the object travels 45 m in 12 m/s. How long did it take them?
t = d/s 

(45 m) / (12m/s) = 3.75 SECONDS



a car does not have an acceleration if it is making a right turn?


Acceleration happens when an object is SPEEDING UP, SLOWING DOWN, TURNING DIRECTIONS. 


Draw a motion dot diagram for an object at rest

see motion dot diagram in google classroom


Draw a velocity vs time graph for the following description: 

Joe is walking towards home with a constant velocity. He hears his mother call for him, so he speeds up.

See graph in google classroom


What is the difference between distance and displacement?

Distance: total length of the path traveled. 

Displacement: the direct path from start to finish

A car is moving with a speed of 70 m/s. How far did the car travel in 9 seconds?

D = s x t

70 x 9 = 630 m


What is the acceleration rule: 

i.e.: speeding up = ___ direction

slowing down = ___ direction

speeding up = SAME direction (+V,+A or -V,-A)

slowing down = OPPOSITE direction (+V,-A or -V,+A)


Draw a motion dot diagram for an object that starts with a constant speed in the positive direction. After 3 seconds they come to a stop. 2 seconds later the object is speeding up in the negative direction

See motion dot diagram in google classroom.

Draw a position vs time graph that matches this description: 

Joe is running with a constant speed from his house. He ran 15 meters away and took a break to catch his breath. Then he runs home with a slower constant speed. 

See graph posted in google classroom.