What is that term?
What is the Definition?
Newton's Laws
Applying Knowledge
Vehicle Experiments
The amount of material in an object is called __.
What is Mass
Define Force.
What is the pull or push acting on an object
State Newton's 3rd Law of Motion.
What is every action has an equal and opposite reaction
Give an example of how we use friction in everyday life.
What is rub hands together to create warmth, brakes on cars to stop, walking, etc.
BONUS!!!!!!! What is Miss R's favorite color?
What is the color blue
The amount of force gravity exerts on an object's mass is called __.
What is Weight
Define Friction.
What is the force from rubbing
State Newton's 1st Law of Motion.
What is an object at rest remains at rest and an object in motion remains in motion in a straight line, unless acted on by a force.
The difference between Kinetic and Potential Energy.
What is Potential Energy is energy stored and waiting to be released, while Kinetic Energy is energy of a moving object
How did we see Kinetic energy in our experiments?
What is the car moving forward, backward, etc.
The design to minimize drag or air resistance is called __.
What is Aerodynamic
Define Kinetic Energy.
What is the energy of a moving object
State Newton's 2nd Law of Motion.
What is acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass of the object being accelerated, the greater the amount of force needed to accelerate the object.
Give 3 examples of Kinetic energy in real life situations.
What is Roller coaster, swings, bowling ball knocking pins over, a ball rolling on the ground, etc.
How did we see friction in our experiments?
What is dragging weights behind the car, putting grips/tires on wheels, erasing, writing, or any other rubbing of two objects together.
The force air exerts on any moving object, a type of friction, is called __.
What is Air Resistance
Define Potential Energy.
What is the energy that is stored in an object and waiting to be released
If Miss R drops a tennis ball and the ball bounces back up at her, this is an example of Newton's ___ Law of Motion.
What is Newton's 3rd Law of Motion
Where can we see air resistance?
What is a moving car, airplane, falling from the sky, etc.
How did we see potential energy in our experiment?
What is stretching the rubber band, when the weights were dangling off the desk before we let the vehicle go, etc.
The resistance to a change in motion is called __.
What is Inertia
Define Aerodynamic.
What is the design to minimize drag or air resistance
If Miss R has one tennis ball and one bowling ball, and applies the same amount of force to them both, which ball will go farther? Which one of Newton's Laws are we seeing?
What is the tennis ball because of Newton's 2nd Law of Motion.
If Miss R is swirling milk in a glass and the milk continues to swirl after she stops the stirring motion, this is an example of __.
What is Inertia
How did we see Newton's 2nd Law of Motion in our experiments?
What is in our final experiments, the experiment with the adding of blocks, etc.