Graphing Motion
Conduction, Convection, Radiation
Thermal Energy Movement
Energy Transformations

Joe is known for his fastball throughout the region. It's been said Joe can throw a baseball so fast that, if you blink your eyes, you won't see it travel to the catcher's glove. 

What would be the CORRECT metric (SI) units to use to record the average speed of Joe's fastball?

A. cm/s

B. km/h

C. m/s

D. mph

C. m/s


This graph shows a train going around a curve at the beginning of the graph, near time = 0. As time passed, what most likely happened?

A. The curve straightened out.

B. The track continues to curve.

C. The train begins to speed up.

D. The train begins to slow down.

D. The train begins to slow down.


Conduction occurs more easily between solids and liquids. This is because the particles in gases are

A. farther apart and move faster.

B. closer together and move faster.

C. further apart and move more slowly.

D. closer together and move more slowly.

A. farther apart and move faster.


Little Joey jumps into a pool on a cool fall morning. How can we describe the direction of energy transfer and temperature change between Joey and the water?

A. Energy is transferred from Joey to the water. The temperature of the water increases.

B. Energy is transferred from the water to Joey. The temperature of the water increases.

C. Energy is transferred from the water to Joey. The temperature of the water decreases.

D. Energy is transferred from the Joey to the water. The temperature of the water decreases.

A. Energy is transferred from Joey to the water. The temperature of the water increases.


On Halloween, you take a glow stick, crack the capsule inside and shake it until it glows. This is an example of light energy being transformed from which type of energy? 

A. chemical 

B. mechanical 

C. solution

D. thermal 

A. chemical 


Jason ran the 800-meter sprint in 124 seconds. 

Calculate the student's average speed.

A. 6.45 m/s

B. 3.44 m/s

C. 99,200 m/s

D. 99.2 m/s

A. 6.45 m/s


A boy is riding his bike on the flat ground and comes to a hill. Does he have to peddle harder as he makes his way up the incline of the hill? Why?

A. No, the gravity was greater as he moved up the hill

B. Yes, he changed directions

C. Yes, because he had greater wind resistance

D. No, because his movement stopped

B. Yes, he changed directions


Burning logs in the fire place produce heat energy. The dog gets warm from the fire when heat energy is transferred by

A. the air.

B. radiation.

C. conduction 

D. the flames.

B. radiation.


A cold cast iron skillet is placed onto a stove top. When the stove is turned on, the skillet becomes very hot. Why does the skillet become hot?

A. The skillet is losing energy (heat) to the stove.

B. The stove is gaining energy (heat) from the skillet.

C. The skillet is gaining energy (heat) from the stove.

D. A chemical reaction occurs that makes the skillet hot.

C. The skillet is gaining energy (heat) from the stove.


David turned on the television. The electrical energy turned into

A. light 

B. sound 

C. light and sound.

D. light, sound, and heat.

D. light, sound, and heat.


A truck driver has four sections on the journey to deliver a truckload of goods to the warehouse. Using information from the table here, calculate the average speed for the total trip made by the truck driver. Express your answer in miles per hour (mph).

A. 33.3 mph

B. 40 mph

C. 45 mph

D. 55 mph

B. 40 mph


In the position vs time graph, each dot represents the end of a 30-minute interval. During which interval is the person represented by the graph not moving?

A. 0 to 0.5 hours

B. 1.5 to 2 hours

C. 2 to 2.5 hours

D. 4.5 to 5 hours

B. 1.5 to 2 hours


A student is heating cold water in a laboratory setting. The open flame is the source of heat energy. The result is an energy transfer shown by the image here. Which process is most likely responsible for the energy transfer within the beaker?

A. convection

B. conduction 

C. insulation 

D. radiation 

A. convection


The diagram shows you the direction heat energy is moving. Based on the diagram, which statement is correct?

A. Side A is warmer than Side B.

B. Side B is warmer than Side A.

C. Side B will get warmer than Side A.

D. Side A will get colder than Side B.

A. Side A is warmer than Side B.


In a ceiling fan, electrical energy, N, is transferred to another form, M. Energy transfers are never 100% efficient. Some of the energy is "wasted" as heat. To what form is the electrical energy (N) transferred (M) to allow the ceiling fan to function?

A. light energy

B. mechanical energy

C. chemical energy

D. sound energy

B. mechanical energy


Find the average speed of a horse that traveled 19 km in 3 hours.

A. 0.158 km/h

B. 0.633 km/h

C. 6.33 km/h

D. 1.58 km/h

C. 6.33 km/h


Which graph illustrates constant speed?



During a lab investigation a metal stir rod is used to stir a beaker of boiling water on a hot plate. A student holding the metal stir rod feels the stir rod get hot.
Which best describes the transfer of heat in the stir rod?

A. Convection

B. Electrical

C. Radiation

D. Conduction  

D. Conduction  


Marina is using a metal spoon to stir her hot soup. Why does the spoon feel warm?

A. Stirring creates heat energy in the spoon.

B. Marina’s hand warms the spoon she is holding.

C. Heat energy from the soup is transferred to the spoon.

D. Heat energy from the spoon is transferred to the soup.

C. Heat energy from the soup is transferred to the spoon.


Suzy designed an experiment to test what type of cup could be used to boil water using heat energy from the sun. Which cup design do you think worked best? (Note: all the cups were the same size and shape)

A. A metal cup with a glossy, black surface.

B. A white ceramic cup.

C. A metal cup with a matte, black surface.

D. A clear plastic cup.

C. A metal cup with a matte, black surface.


Jay decides to walk from school to the park to play ball. The park is only 0.5 miles from the school. He leaves school at 3:15 and arrives at the park at 3:25. At what rate is Jay traveling? 

A. 1 mile/15 minutes

B. 1 mile/10 minutes

C. 1 mile/30 minutes

D. 1 mile/20 minutes

D. 1 mile/20 minutes


A student timed a marble as it rolls down a 10-meter track with hills on the soccer field. The student measured the time of the marble every 0.5 meters. The data for the marble is shown.

Which statement is the best analysis of the data for the marble?

A. The marble rolls down the track maintaining a constant speed the entire track.

B. The marble starts rolling slowly at a constant speed and speeds up, reaches its fastest speed between 2 and 7 meters, and then slows down at the end of the track.

C. The marble starts rolling down the track at its greatest speed, and then slows down after the first 2 meters.

D. The marble starts rolling fast at a constant speed for the first 5 seconds of the track, and then slows down around 7 meters and maintains a constant speed until it completes the track.

B. The marble starts rolling slowly at a constant speed and speeds up, reaches its fastest speed between 2 and 7 meters, and then slows down at the end of the track.


Two open containers and two closed containers with various levels of insulation are filled with 300 mL of 55ºC hot chocolate. Each container is placed on the same counter for one hour, and the temperature of the hot chocolate is checked at five-minute intervals. The data is recorded in the graph. According to the graph, which container was most effective in keeping the hot chocolate closest to the original temperature?

A. Ceramic open container

B. Silicon-lined with silicon lid

C. Metal open container

D. Ceramic with silicon lid

B. Silicon-lined with silicon lid


This is a model of how heat energy moves; it moves from high to low. Another way to say this is that heat energy moves from the area of higher temperature to the area of lower temperature until the temperatures are equal. Imagine that a thick layer of insulation is placed between the left and right boxes. Predict how the temperatures will look after adding the insulation.

A. 0 left and 40 right

B. 0 left and 0 right

C. 20 left and 20 right

D. 40 left and 40 right

A. 0 left and 40 right


Jenna made an electric circuit as seen in the picture. She placed a thermometer near her light bulb. The light bulb was turned on for an hour. Select the most likely observation.

A. The bulb glowed brighter over time.

B. The temperature in the thermometer went up.

C. The temperature in the thermometer went down.

D. Both the light and temperature remained the same over time.

B. The temperature in the thermometer went up.