Patterns in Motion
Forces and Motion
Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

Any time an objects position changes we have________________.



What does the word predict mean?

Tell what will happen in the future.  


What is a force?

A push or pull on an object.


What is a balanced force?

When both forces are equally stong.


The __________ of an item is the exact place where it is and the ______________ is the way an object faces.



Identify an object that moves in a pattern and then describe the pattern of its movement.  

Answers will vary


What is contact force and what are three types?

A contact force is a force that acts on objects that are touching. Tension Force, Spring Force, and Friction. 


What is an unbalanced force? Give an example.

When one side is stronger than the other.  Answers may vary.


Tell the meaning of the word 'distance.'

How does this relate to speed?

Distance is how far something travels. 


What animal would be harder to predict its patterns in motion a dog or a fly? Explain.

 A dog would be easier to predict because it is limited in the number of directions it can do


What is a non-contact force? Name and describe three. 

Forces that can act at a  distance are called non-contact forces.  Three types are electricity, magnetism, and gravity. 


What is Net Force

The sum of the force acting on an object.  


How can you measure the motion of an object?

I can measure its speed and how far it goes in an amount of time. 


Describe the pattern of motion of two different objects.

Answers May Vary


How are forces of friction and gravity alike? How are they different?

Alike- both change the movement of objects.  Different Friction is a contact force, gravity is not. 


A box is resting on a table.  Gravity pulls the box downward with a force of 25 N.  With how much force is the table pushing upward at the box? 



If Ball A travels 10 meters in 2 seconds and Ball B travels 40 meters in 10 seconds How far did each ball go in 1 second?  Which Ball had the greater speed? Explain your answer.

Ball A had more speed.  Ball A traveled 5 meters every second while Ball B traveled 3 meters every second.  


A ball bounces to a certain height when dropped from your hand.  What will the ball do if dropped from a second-floor window?

Bounce higher than before (Answers may vary.)


Identify the forces that are acting on a boy who is being pulled by a dog on a leash.  

Answers may vary


Use the term balanced and net force to describe the forces acting on the box. 

The upward force from the table and the downward force of gravity are balanced forces, so their net force is 0.