Non-Contact Forces
Nature of Science
An object that appears to stay in place.
What is a reference point.
Force is expressed in these units.
What is a newton?
This is a force that opposes motion between two surfaces that are in contact.
What is friction?
This is a force of attraction between all objects that is due to their mass.
What is gravity?
If I change the height of a ramp to find out if it changes the speed of the car, what variable is the height of the ramp.
What is the independent, or manipulated, variable?
When an object changes position over time relative to a reference point, the object is doing this.
What is the object is in motion.
A push or pull.
What is a force?
The friction observed when you slide books across a tabletop is this type of friction.
What is kinetic friction?
This states that all objects in the universe attract each other through gravitational force and that the size of that force depends on the masses of the objects and the distance between the objects.
What is "The Law of Universal Gravitation"?
If I change the height of a ramp to find out if it changes the speed of the car, what variable is the type of car.
What is a constant, or controlled, variable?
The distance that an object travels divided by the time the object takes to travel that distance.
What is speed?
The combination of all the forces acting on an object.
What is net force?
When you push, or pull, on something that you can't move, you are observing this type of friction.
What is static friction?
Gravity, electric, and magnetic forces are examples of these types of forces.
What are non-contact forces?
I design an investigation with this testable question: "What is the best amount of fertilizer for my tomato plants?" The growth of the plant will be this variable.
What is the dependent, or responding, variable?
The speed of an object in a particular direction.
What is velocity.
When net force = 0 Newtons, we say this about the forces.
What is the forces are balanced?
When you apply the brakes on your bike, you observe this type of friction.
What is kinetic friction?
The force between charged objects.
What is the electric force.
I'm trying to find out the best popcorn based on how many kernels are popped. I buy three different brands of popcorn to pop in my microwave on the popcorn setting. The brands of popcorn are this type of variable: (1) The number of kernels popped are this type: (2) Using the popcorn setting is this type of variable: (3)
What is (1) independent, or manipulated, variable. (2) dependent, or responding, variable. (3) a constant, or controlled, variable.
The rate at which velocity changes.
What is acceleration?
When the net forces do not equal 0 Newtons, we say this about the forces.
What is the forces are unbalanced?
This type of friction is harder to overcome with a force.
What is static friction?
The force that pushes, or pulls, magnets apart, or together, are called this.
What is magnetic force?
A system of ideas that explains many related observations and is supported by a large body of evidence acquired through scientific investigation.
What is a scientific theory?