
A tool you could use to measure the length of an aquarium: graduated cylinder, meter tape or balance?

What is a meter tape?


A student pushes on a cart with 500 units of force. Student B pushes on the other side. The cart doesn’t move. How much force does Student B apply? More, less or the same amount of force?

What is the same amount


A student adds 2 spoonfuls of a solid to 100 mL of water. The solution is clear. One spoon of the solid has a mass of 10 g. What is the mass of the solution?

What is 120 g?


The name in physics for a push or a pull is a...

What is a force?


What effect is caused by kicking a rubber ball? 

What is, "It will sail through the air?"


The metric unit you would use to measure the length of an aquarium is a....liter, gram or meter?

What is a meter?


If you put a cart at the top of a ramp, do you expect the distance it goes to be longer or shorter than if it starts at the bottom?

What is LONGER


A spoon of baking soda is 5 g. A cup of vinegar is 50 g. When mixed, the mixture bubbles. What would you expect the mass to be once the bubbling stops?

What is 55 grams?


What is a cause and effect relationship between the number of blocks in a truck and the distance it goes? If you add more blocks, the cart will go...the same distance, or fewer or more centimeters?

What is farther?


This is the effect on speed caused by making a ramp steeper.

What is the object will move faster?

A tool you would use to measure the volume of an aquarium is a...graduated cylinder, meter tape or balance

What is a graduated cylinder?


What variable would you change to make a cart go in a curved path? The height of the ramp or the size of the wheels?

What is the size of the wheels?


What do you call the resulting mixture when you dissolve salt in water?

What is a SOLUTION?


Imagine 3 donut magnets stacked on a straw. What forces are at work if they are touching?

What are gravity and attraction?


Imagine a balance with mass pieces in a cup on one side. There are 2 pieces of 20 g and 2 of 10 g. The lemon on the other side weighs down the balance. What is a possible mass of the lemon? (70 g, 60 g, 30 g or 20 g)

What is 70 g?


The unit you would use to record the volume of water in a tank is a ....kilogram, liter or centimeter?

What is a liter?


A truck full of blocks is rolled down a ramp. With 1 block, it rolls 50 cm. With 2 blocks, it rolls 75 cm. With 4 blocks it rolls 125 cm. With 5 blocks, it rolls 150 cm. How far would you expect it to roll with 3 blocks inside?

What is 100 cm?


The name for what happens when baking soda and vinegar are mixed is...

What is a chemical reaction?


Are donut magnets resting on each other balanced or unbalanced?

What is Balanced (because there is no motion)?


This is the unit of measure you could use to measure the mass of marbles you can pick up with your toes.

And this is the tool you would use...

What are grams and a balance?


To measure the mass of a fish, what tool would you use and in what metric unit?

What is a balance and gram?


What variable would you change on a twirly bird to make it fall faster?

What is clip the wings or add a paper clip?


When chalk is suspended in water without mixing together as a solution or producing a chemical reaction, it is called a ____.

What is a suspension?


Would you expect swingers with longer or shorter strings to swing more times in the same amount of time?

What is shorter?


This force slows an object in motion down, for example in sand versus on a smooth track