Forces at Work
Name that Force
It's Electric
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Jane pulls the tablecloth off a table set for dinner. None of the things on the table fall off/move. Which of Newton's Laws explains this phenomena?

What is Newton's 1st Law?


An objects resistance to change in motion

What is inertia?


This is a device that reverses the polarity in a motor

What is a commutator?


Where on a magnet is the magnetic force the strongest?

What are the poles?


This device consists of a magnetic needle which points towards magnetic north

What is a compass?


Brenda was able to move some pebbles in her backyard while doing some yardwork. When she went to move a boulder, she found that it was too hard to move. Which of Newton's Laws explains why she couldn't move the boulder?

What is Newton's 2nd Law?


A force that resists motion of two surfaces that are touching

What is Friction?


Greg replaced the battery on his electromagnet lab with a smaller sized one. Based on that switch, what should happen to the electromagnets strength?

What is decrease?


As this increases, magnetic force decreases

What is distance?


This is a type of electromagnet that is created by wrapping a current carrying wire around a magnetic core

What is a solenoid? 


Michael accidentally dropped his ball off the top of his roof. Which law explains why the ball bounces back up towards Michael?

What is Newton's 3rd Law?


A force that attracts or repels objects toward or away from each other; caused by electrons in a substance

What is Magnetism?

A glowing region, created by interactions at the poles on Earth

What is an aurora/Northern/Southern lights?


Iron shavings placed around two magnets can show this

What is a magnetic field?


What is Mrs. Perry's fav color?

What is black?


Lucas is riding his bike to his friend Landon's house. He makes it to Landon's with no problem. On the way back, Landon's mom sent Lucas back with a bag of books to give to his mom. Which of Newton's Laws explains why it was harder for Lucas to get home?

What is Newton's 2nd Law?


Attractive or repulsive interaction between any two charged objects

What is Electric Force?


The production of an electric current from a magnet

What is electromagnetic induction?


Two workers are sliding a heavy box to the right across a concrete floor. The first worker is pulling the box with a force of 75 N. The second worker is pushing the box with a force of 100 N. The force of friction resisting the motion is 50 N. What is the net force acting on the box?

What is 125 N?


You might have noticed that a feather falls slowly toward the ground, while a ball falls rapidly. What friction is slowing the feather down as it falls through the air?

What is Fluid Friction?


Clara won the lottery and gets to go on a trip into space. While she is up in space she floats around and can't seem to sit still. When she gets back to Earth, she finds that when she is standing, she doesn't move around. Which of Newton's Laws explains why Clara is able to stand still on Earth but not in space?

What is Newton's 3rd Law?


A force consisting of both an electric component and a magnetic component, created by an electric current or moving electrical charge

What is Electromagnetic Force?


The current in this device is created by mechanical energy from a magnet being converted into electrical energy

What is a generator?


There is a coil of wire attached to a light bulb and a magnet sitting on a table, what would need to happen in order for an electric current to be produced?

What is the magnet moves through the wire?


As this is increased in an electromagnet, the magnetic field gets stronger

What is current?