Simple Machines
Work and Power

What type of Simple Machine is this?

What is a lever?


Which has more power a rake or a leaf blower?

What is a leaf blower?


Define Work.

What is Force times Distance?


This person developed what is known as the Three Laws of Motion. The story is that it began with an apple falling on his head!

Who is Iassac Newton?


Ethan bikes 10 miles in 2 hours. What is his speed?

What is 5 miles an hour?


This simple machine can hold a door open for you.

What is a Wedge?


You are running uphill, while your friend runs down the same hill. Who had to use more effort you or your friend?

What is ME?


What is work divided by the time it takes to do the work called?

What is POWER?


An object cannot move, unless a ____________ acts on it.

What is a force?


What is the name of the force resisting the motion of one object against another?

What is friction?


This Simple Machine is found on the top of a pickle jar.

What is a screw?


Two students are pushing on a box as shown. If the boy on the left (yellow shirt) pushes with a greater force than the boy on the right (red shirt), which way will the box move? Toward the boy in the yellow or the boy in the red?


What is the boy in the red??


The Force that resists the motion of one object against another.

What is Friction?


A student twirls a ball on the end of a rope over their head. What type of motion is this?

What is a Circle?


Ria kicks her soccer ball across the grassy field. What could make her ball slow down?

What is friction? 


This simple machine is sometimes known as a ramp.

What is an inclined plane?


Which way will the boxes shown below move? Why?

What is to the left because both forces are acting towards the left?


The amount of work done in a certain period of time is called ___________.

What is Power?


What is the path of motion when you are swinging on a swing in the park?

What is back and forth?


A student can run 4 miles in an hour. How long will it take them to run 8 miles?

What is 2 hours?


This type of machine is made up of more than one simple machine.

What is a compound machine?


Newton's first law states that objects tend to do what they are already doing, unless a force acts on them. This law is called inertia. What is the force that moves a bowling ball down a lane in a bowling alley?

What is the force applied by the bowler?


The name given to the type of machine made up of one or more simple machines. Give an example.

What is a compound machine?

Bicycle, car, lawn mower, anything with a motor!


An glass is at rest on the top of a table. What force is acting on it?

What is gravity?


A student can walk at a speed of 2 miles an hour. How long will it take her to walk 10 miles? 

Speed = Distance divided by time

What is 5 hours?