What do you need to get any kind of motion?
a force
What is the definition of a force?
a push or a pull

What is a variable?

Something you can change in an experiment that might affect the outcome of the experiment.

What is a fair test?
An experiment where you only change one variable.

Which of the rulers your teacher has would give you the most precise measurement? 

An experiment where you only change one variable.


What happens if you apply a force to an object?


What is the name of the force that slows or stops an object?

When we conducted the experiment about the affect the length of string has on the number of swings the pendulum made, what was the variable we changed?

the length of the string

When we conducted the experiment about the affect the length of string has on the number of swings the pendulum made, what were the variables we kept the same?
the bob mass and the release position,
When you are writing up the results of an experiment, what is a claim?
the answer to your question
What is the name of the natural force that pulls objects toward the Earth?
If you have a bowling ball and let it go on the the hill at Matthew's park, will it go farther if you let it go from the top of the hill, from the middle of the hill, or near the bottom of the hill?
from the top of the hill
When we conducted the experiment about the affect the length of string has on the number of swings the pendulum made, what was the variable we measured?
The number of swings the pendulum made in 15 seconds.
When you are writing up the results of an experiment, what is evidence?
the proof of your claim
What do you always need to use in your evidence?
your data

Jack and Aisha were running the mile. Aisha made it around the loop before Jack. Which of these statements is true: a. Both children are traveling in the same direction and Jack is moving at a greater speed. b. Both children are traveling in the same direction and Aisha is moving at a greater speed. c. Both children are moving in the same direction at the same speed.



Because they got a reward, room 310 went sledding on the Matthew's Park hill. Kelley went  down the hill very fast, but started going slower and slower as time went on. What force made her go slower and slower?



Because they got a reward, room 312 went sledding on the Matthew's Park hill. Lisa went down the hill very fast, but started going slower and slower as time went on. What force made her go down the hill?



How could you develop a controlled experiment to find out which toy truck will roll down a ramp the farthest, a toy truck with one, two or three heavy boxes in it?

1. Start each truck from the same position each time.  2. Let each truck go in the same way: like a gate. 3. Measure each truck from the bottom of the ramp.


An apple is sitting on a table. Describe the forces that are affecting it.

Gravity is pushing it down and the table is pushing it up.


Create a controlled experiment using three bean seeds to find out how much light is best for them to grow. a. what is the variable we are going to change? b. What are the variables that will stay the same? c. what are the variables being measured?

1. the variable changed is the light 2. the variables that stay the same are the type of seed, the container they are in, the amount of water and the amount of soil. 3. The variable we measure is which plant grows the fastest.


Room 311 went sledding, one sled had one child in it. The sled next to it had two children and Ness in it. They decided to see who could go the farthest.

Which would go the farthest and why?

The sled with two children and Ness in it, because heavier objects go have more energy and go farther.


Look at the graph provided by your teacher. A student wanted to see if the size of a stone affects the distance it will travel when launched by a catapult. He did an experiment and graphed his results. a. What distance would a stone weighing 30 kilograms travel? b. What size stone would most likely travel 115 meters?

a. 77 meters b. 20 kilograms


A class constructed a model of lifeboats out of small paper cups. They cut them so they were 2 cm, 3cm, 4cm, and 6cm high. They experimented to find out how many pennies it would take to sink each lifeboat. a. What was the variable that was being changed? b. What were the variables that were remaining the same? c. What were the variables being measured?

a. The size of the life boats. b. The materials the lifeboats were made of, the pennies, the water. c. How many pennies could fit in each lifeboat.


Two students set up a ramp and placed a cork on the runway right at the bottom of the ramp. The first student rolled the large ball down the ramp and observed that the cork moved 4 centimeters. He repeated the test several times and each time the cork moved 4 cm. The second student rolled the small ball down the ramp several times and observed that the cork moved 4 cm. each time. Give two reasons why this may have been true.

teacher decides