The position graph for an object is standing still.
What is a horizontal line?
The slope of a velocity graph tells you this.
What is acceleration?
The acceleration of an object that is standing still.
What is zero?
The unit of time we use in physics.
What is seconds?
The way a person walks if this is their distance-time graph.
Group has to walk it out
Object A and B both have a constant speed, but object B is going faster. The position graph for object B will appear this way.
What is steeper (or larger slope)?
The motion of an object if the velocity graph is a horizontal line.
What is moving at a constant speed?
The acceleration of an object that is moving at a constant speed of 30 m/s.
What is zero?
The unit of distance used in physics.
What is meters?
The way a train moves if this is their velocity time graph.
What is...
Constant acceleration for 2 seconds
Constant speed for 3 seconds
[Smaller] constant acceleration
A position graph that curves upward, getting steeper, depicts an object moving this way.
What is speeding up?
The motion of an object if, the velocity graph has a (non-zero) slope.
What is changing speed?
Acceleration is a fancy way of saying velocity.
What is False?
The unit of speed or velocity used in physics
What is meters per second or m/s?
The speed of an object 5 sec after that object started at 25m/s slowing down with an acceleration of 2m/s2.
What is 15 m/s?
A position graph with a straight downward diagonal line depicts an object slowing down. (T or F)
What is false? Such a graph shows the object moving at a constant speed because it is a straight line.
The motion of this graph.
What is ...
Accelerating going forwards.
Moving forwards at constant speed.
Slowing forward speed to zero.
The shape of a velocity graph where the motion is has a non-zero acceleration
What is a sloped line?
The unit for acceleration used in physics
What is meters per second squared or m/s2?
An object that has a negative acceleration must be getting slower.
What is false? (it will get faster if the velocity is negative too!)
The motion of this graph.
What is ...
move forwards at constant speed
stop for 5 seconds
move backwards at constant speed
The motion of an object when the graph touches the x-axis of a velocity time graph.
What is the object has stopped (v=0)?
The object with the greater acceleration when one object moves at a constant speed of 10 m/s and another object moves at a constant speed of 20 m/s.
What is neither? They both have zero acceleration
The physical quantity that can have a unit of mph/sec.
What is acceleration?
The time it will take to move 100m traveling with a speed of 5m/s
What is 20sec?